Category: Galatians

  • Is your bread leavened with truth or lies?

    (Galatians 5:9-10) The principle in this scripture flies in the face of one accepted wisdom of this world. Specifically, it opposes the idea of yin yang. It is a principle of truth that is the point of this scripture, and to accept the position of yin and yang is to reject the truth and accept…

  • Who hinders you from obeying the truth?

    (Galatians 5:7-8) These two verses pose an important question, probably more important today than it was when the Apostle Paul wrote it. The doctrine of the early church was being polluted by false teaching. The church had been infiltrated by teachers and preachers who were leading the people astray by teaching things that had no…

  • What is the Hope of Righteousness, and How do I receive it?

    (Galatians 5:5-6) How do you receive the hope of righteousness? Isn’t righteousness all about doing good, so can you receive the hope of righteousness just by being and doing good? The answer to this is both yes and no. We do need to do and be good, but it is not because of the hope…

  • Why are you a Christian?

    (Galatians 5:1-4) Why are you a Christian? Why did you come to Christ in the first place? Was it because you were caught up in some form of bondage and needed a way of escape? Were you into drugs, booze, gambling, or some other weakness and it was having a negative effect on your life?…

  • There are two types of Christians, which are you?

    (Galatians 4:21-27) There are two groups of people among the ranks of Christians, and the distinction between them is what Paul discusses in this section of his letter to the Galatians. The first group are like the Galatians church. They are seeking to be justified under the law. They believe they are under law and…

  • How to hinder the work of the Holy Spirit, and what to do about it

    (Galatians 4:18-20) In my last few posts and in the book of Galatians we see Paul’s frustration with the Galatians church as they slipped away from Christ, seeking to develop a self-righteousness of their own based on the law. They had been deceived into believing that they had to follow the law to be saved…

  • Want to Ensure Your Place in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    (Galatians 4:16-17) Are you being shut out of the kingdom of heaven without really knowing it? How would you know if you are or are not? Paul answers that question in part in the first of these two verses today. Paul was preaching the truth. Those who stood against him who were influencing the Galatians…

  • How God Makes A Silk Purse Out Of A Sows Ear

    (Galatians 4:12-15) You’ve heard all the old sayings like this one, I’m sure. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear. And it’s quite true! YOU can’t. But God can! He does it all the time. The underlying principle here is that something wonderful and good cannot come from something common, bad…

  • You Can’t Turn Back

    (Galatians 4:8-11) When we are called to come to Jesus Christ, there is only one way that we can go. Forward! You can’t go back, nor should you want to go back. If we seek to go back or even if we mistakenly think about our past and wish we could be “back in the…

  • What is the Work of the Holy Spirit

    (Galatians 4:6-7) In these verses we see the Holy Spirit mentioned, showing one of the works of the Spirit. This particular work is as an intercessory between ourselves and God on our behalf for the scripture here says, And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying,…

  • Do You Recognise the 3 Freedoms God Offers You?

    (Galatians 4:1-5) This section of Galatians 4 speaks about how Christians are being adopted as the sons and daughters of God. It looks at people as if they are initially children or even slaves who have not come to maturity and thus cannot fully receive the promises offered. But when a child is adopted as…

  • The Secret of Freedom From Law

    (Galatians 3:23-29) Psst! Wanna know a secret? And not just any secret but one that is going to make your life as a Christian so much better you won’t ever want to look back? Well…it’s all about the laws of Moses and where they really fit with regards to your walk in Christ. We all…