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Category: Acts

  • The Most Important Thing

    (Acts 13:36-43) There are a lot of really good scriptures in the Bible…well ALL of them are actually! But, every now and then you come across something so profound, yet so simple, that it will just blow your mind. These few scriptures are one of those sections. These few words include a statement that is…

  • Purpose

    (Acts 13:28-36) As I read these verses the last verse in the section seems to stand out. Although I have read these words many times, one word stood out and got me thinking. Verse 36 says, For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid…

  • Would You Recognise Jesus?

    (Acts 13:13-27) Most of this section of Acts is a brief history given by Paul one sabbath as he entered a new synagogue. However at the end of this section in verse 27 he makes this interesting statement, which may still be relevant today and is worth exploring for a moment. It says this, For…

  • No Stopping the Word

    (Acts 13:4-12) The Lord will have the word of the gospel delivered to those who wish to hear it. All obstacles to the preaching of the word will be removed. Sometimes this is more dramatic than at other times as this short section of scripture testifies to. But regardless of how it is done, the…

  • Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen

    (Acts 13:1-3) A great many people have and will yet come to The Lord. Some will receive ministry work to do in the church. Others will simply live their life as examples of the faith in action, humbly and respectfully praising and worshipping their Lord and ours. But there are a few who for one…

  • Many Antichrists

    (Acts 12:20-25) Often when people talk of antichrists they speak of THE antichrist as if there were only one. Revelation and Daniel certainly talked about a man who will raise himself up at the time of the end as an antichrist, but he is not the only one. In fact there were, are and will…

  • Russian Roulette

    (Acts 12:18-19) Are you familiar with the deadly game of Russian roulette? It is the nastiest game of gambling ever devised because the loser loses their life on a game of chance. It works like this. Assume a gun has a cylinder that spins and takes say six bullets. The cylinder is then emptied and…

  • Believe What You Pray For

    (Acts 12:12-17) You gotta have faith! When you pray for something you have to believe what you are praying for. If you ask The Lord for something, then you need to have the faith that you will receive whatever it is that you are asking for. Of course it needs to be something in accordance…

  • Your Life Is In Gods Hands

    (Acts 12:1-11) It is the folly of the young, and young men in particular, to think they are bulletproof. They often think, act and behave as if life will go on forever and that no matter what they do they will be OK. The news is full of the stories of young men who have…

  • Christian Giving

    (Acts 11:27-30 – Christian Giving) Throughout the development of the early Christian church the needs of the church were met by the giving of money or other things by the members of the church. All of the needs of those who had little or nothing were met by sharing from those who had an abundance.…

  • Barnabas

    (Acts 11:19-26) Who was Barnabas? We know so little about some of the early disciples and leaders in the early church apart from what has been handed down and is as much myth as it may be truth. For example, most of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus himself are never heard of again in…

  • Convincing The Church

    (Acts 11:1-18) These were the early days of the Christian church and they were going through great periods of growth and change. Any time there is such a fluid process of change there are bound to be situations arise where questions are asked and people need to be convinced of some matter or other. It…