At the time of writing this post, there have been almost three million deaths from COVID-19 globally. The daily case rates that had been falling several weeks ago are now once again on the rise.
Vaccinations are being rolled out, but there is great fear in the world because of side effects that the vaccinations are causing. People have died from blood clot complications and other issues caused by the very thing that was supposed to save them from the COVID nightmare.
This is a significant and severe problem. But what is the major underlying problem that is causing this worldwide panic, fear, and desperation? And more importantly, how can it be overcome? That is the point and subject of this post.
What is the problem?
There are several root causes to this current problem. But the biggest of these is a lack of hope, or rather, hoping in the wrong things.
The scripture I am looking at today is about being restored through hope. But being restored through hope can only work when your hope is in the right place.
There are many things in this world that people hope for, but most of them are in the wrong place. And if your hope is set on the wrong things, then being restored through hope simply is not going to happen.
The issue in this current COVID crisis, and all of the other issues going on in the world such as economic disaster, natural disasters, and so on, is that people have their hopes set on governments to fix things.
Look at COVID. Everyone is pinning their hopes on a vaccine that will sweep away this virus and restore the world to normal, whatever normal looks like.
But the vaccine is doomed to failure. The virus, as we have seen in news reports, has mutated into worse and deadlier versions of itself, and the vaccine creators are basically creating a vaccine based on an old version of the virus, but which may not work on the mutated versions.
So anyone hoping that the vaccination path will solve the COVID crisis is simply kidding themselves. Putting your hope in the governments of the world to solve these issues is a waste of energy.
Being restored through hope
So if the answer is not in governmental control, and if it is not in medical science, how can these problems be resolved? How do we deal with COVID and the other disasters impacting every nation on this planet?
Quite simply we have to put our hopes in something that WILL work and not be a false hope. Being restored through hope works when our hopes are placed in the right place.
We have no control over the events of this world. We cannot change what is happening on the earth. All we can do is to manage our reaction to these things.
Fear and desperation through a lack of hope are afflictions that come from hoping in the wrong things. So what are the right things in which we ought to place our hopes?
Jesus Christ and His words are what we need to place our hope in.
Everything that is happening in the world is happening according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God. He designed this world and He determined it’s demise from the beginning. COVID and natural disasters are not unexpected things that have taken God by surprise. Instead, He has allowed these things to happen as signs that are pointing to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
9 And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified; for this must first take place, but the end will not be at once.” 10 Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; 11 there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:9-11)
These words were prophesied by Jesus speaking about the things that were to happen prior to His second coming. He told us two thousand years ago that there would be great natural disasters, wars, and pestilences that would ravage the earth.
That is exactly what we are seeing. All of these things are the signs of His imminent return.
And I know that many Christians are praying for these things to stop. But if they were to stop, how would prophecy be fulfilled?
So, rather than fearing these things, we in Christ need to recognise that these things must happen first before Jesus returns. We need to prepare for His coming. And we need to be restored in hope knowing that in all of these things, He is in control and everything is happening as it was meant to happen. Everything is going exactly to plan as determined by God.
So when it comes to being restored through hope, we need to place our hopes in Jesus Christ, knowing that He has everything under perfect control.
Jesus is our Saviour and the Rock of our salvation. He is the one in whom we put our hope to see us through these difficult times. Look to Jesus and not to the science of men because man’s science is doomed to fail because they cannot turn back the will of God no matter what they try.
He scripture today says this:
But we would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
You are being restored through hope when you put your hopes and trust in Jesus. And when you do that there is no need to fear as the world does, and no need to grieve for those who the Lord chooses to take to remove them from the troubles coming upon this world.
Instead, stand firm in your faith. Keep your eyes upon Jesus and grow in His word and the knowledge of His ways as you walk with Him. Unlike the governments, Jesus will never fail nor forsake His people.
So as you walk with Christ remember and know wholeheartedly that you are being restored through hope.
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Hi! I’m John, the owner, author, and editor of this site. Over the past 50+ years as a Christian I have been teaching, preaching and writing about the Bible to help Christians gain a deeper insight into the scriptures that are easily understood. I also answer specific Bible related questions, so feel free to contact me.