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The Good the Bad and the Ugly

(Matthew 13:47-50)

This parable of the kingdom is about the end of the time when Jesus comes to judge the world. We saw earlier that he will allow the weeds to grow with the wheat and they will be separated at the end of the days. This parable is saying much the same.

The net will be cast into the sea of peoples and all people will be gathered into it. Like each of the fish caught in the net they will be judged and graded. All people will be judged as well and it will be determined whether they are fit for the kingdom of God or worthless. Those deemed fit will go into his kingdom to live eternally with God & Jesus Christ. However those who fail to meet the test will be sentenced to punishment and will be thrown into the lake of fire with Satan and his demons.

This is a warning. If we want to avoid judgement we are to make the right decisions now. Now is the acceptable time of salvation as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 6:2. If we ignore his warning and follow the ways of this world, then we choose the path of destruction.

It is my hope and prayer that I will achieve the right to enter God’s kingdom. It is also my hope and prayer that all who read this will heed of Jesus’ warning and seek out the truth for him or herself.