Tag: spiritual adultery

  • Godless and Silly Myths

    There are many godless and silly myths in the world and in the Church today. This scripture tells us to have nothing to do with them. They mislead & distract.

  • The End of an Age

    (Luke 16:16-18) In this section of scripture Jesus shows us the end of an age. He draws a very distinct line in the sand that separates two periods and also provides a spiritual insight into living in the two ages. These spiritual ages, not physical ones, and the transition from one to the next is…

  • Jesus Transfiguration

    (Luke 9:28-36) Jesus’ transfiguration is an unusual episode in the life and times of Jesus. It was during the transfiguration that Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus on the mountain and spoke with him of his departure from this world. And there is an even more interesting aspect of this event that leads right to…

  • The Transfiguration

    Where does the Christian stand in relation to the two covenants? As Christians are we meant to be under both the Old and the New Covenant? The transfiguration scripture provides us with part of the answer to these two questions. Many years ago while still at school I asked a religious education teacher what the…