Tag: Signs

  • Desire The Higher Gifts

    (1 Corinthians 12:26-31) The modern church for the most part has watered down the ministries of the new covenant to the point where most of the gifts of ministry have ceased to exist. This is especially true of the miraculous and spiritual gifts of God that He gave to the church for the express purpose…

  • The Conversion of Saul

    (Acts 9:1-9) One of the most amazing events in the book of Acts was the transformation that took place in the life of Saul who became the apostle Paul. The mechanism of his conversion was so amazing hat it is no wonder he was rocked to the very core and spun about one hundred and…

  • Signs And Wonders

    (Acts 4:23-31) Throughout the New Testament we see that first Jesus and then the disciples worked many signs of healing and other wonders as they preached the gospel and began to spread the words of the truth. Consider some of the things that Jesus did among the people. He healed the sick, fed the multitudes,…

  • Pentecost and Receiving the Holy Spirit

    (Acts 2:1-4) Jesus appeared to the disciples for forty days after he had arisen. This was to show them the truth of the resurrection so that they would believe and know that all He had said concerning the ministry was true. And Jesus was preparing them for what was to come for the disciples were…

  • Destroy this Temple and in Three Days I Will Raise It Up

    (John 2:18-22) Jesus had just chased the pigeon sellers and money changers from the temple. He overturned their tables and used a whip of cords to drive out the animals from the temple. In his zeal for the temple as being a house of prayer and not a place for commerce he brought order and…

  • Jesus Before Herod

    (Luke 23:6-12) After bringing Jesus before Pilate, who could find no reason to condemn him, the Lord was sent by Pilate to Herod to be examined. Herod’s examination of the Lord is both harsh and interesting, for there are some things we can learn about Herod’s reaction to Jesus, especially when he did not get…

  • The Sign of Jonah

    (Luke 11:29-32) Jesus calls the generation he was speaking to an evil and adulterous generation for they were seeking a sign. Specifically they were seeking a sign from him to prove he was the Christ. But Jesus said to them they would get no sign except the sign of Jonah. JohnHi! I’m John, the owner,…

  • Preaching the Gospel

    (Luke 9:1-6) From time to time we have people come to the door to preach the gospel. This is not that unusual and it must be tough for those who do this work as many people become hostile or simply slam the door in their faces. In this section of scripture we see that Jesus…

  • Jesus Heals the Sick

    (Luke 4:38-41) In many places through the gospels, Jesus heals the sick and casts out demons. This was a significant part of the message of Jesus and also part of the work of the Apostles when they commenced their ministry. In fact when Jesus first sent them out in pairs it was to preach the…

  • The Great Commission

    (Mark 16:14-20) In these final verses of the Gospel of Mark we see the Lord commission the disciples to go out and preach the gospel to all of the world. He adds some interesting details, information and conditions in this section that it is worth listening to. The key to salvation mentioned in this section…