Tag: Money

  • The Christian Value Proposition

    (Mark 8:34-38) Yesterday I wrote about what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his life. Overnight I felt there was more that needed to be said, especially in relation to the second question Jesus posed. He said, “What can a man give in return for his life?” (Verse…

  • What Does It Profit to Gain the World and Forfeit Your Life?

    (Mark 8:34-38) What does it profit to gain the whole world and lose your life? This question was posed by Jesus to his disciples and the people along with another. What can a man give in return for his life? Too often today we see people make the wrong decisions and forfeit their life for…

  • Woe to You Blind Guides

    (Matthew 23:16-22) Jesus condemns the priests, Pharisees and scribes for being blind guides saying, “Woe to you blind guides.” He calls them this because their focus is wrong. The things they consider important are not what God considers important. Jesus said elsewhere, “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads…

  • Paying Taxes to Caesar

    (Matthew 22:15-22) There are some interesting aspects to this teaching about paying taxes to Caesar. The Herodians sought to entangle Jesus in his talk. They sought to have him say it was wrong to pay taxes to Caesar so that they could accuse him of defying the ruling authorities. But Jesus was aware of their…

  • Marketing in the Church

    (Matthew 21:12-13) When Jesus entered Jerusalem the first place he visited was the temple. He was angered at what he saw there for we see him take action to set things right. What was it that upset him so? Marketing in the church! Jesus drove out the moneychangers and the sellers of pigeons from the…

  • Labourers in the Vineyard

    (Matthew 20:1-16) The labourers in the vineyard parable is interesting as it divides our thoughts between matters of the flesh and the spirit. When we look at it through eyes of flesh it is not fair. But when we look at it through God’s eyes and consider the promise of God it is perfectly fair…

  • Hard for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

    (Matthew 19:23-26) The Lord says that it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact he says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why is that so? What is…