Tag: Children of God

  • For God So Loved The World

    (John 3:16) How many people have quoted this scripture? It is probably the most recognized scripture in the bible and has been immortalized in poetry, song and verse by many writers and musicians. And with good reason for it encapsulates in a few words the awesome purpose of God for man and the Creation. These…

  • You Must be Born Again

    (John 3:1-8) One of the most common sayings among Christians today is that you must be born again. And yet I often wonder how many times people using this expression truly understand what it means. The implications of these few words are mind boggling, as Nicodemus discovered when Jesus explained it to him in this…

  • Power to Become the Children of God

    (John 1:9-13) This is one of the most amazing and wonderful scriptures in the bible. The promise contained here is so amazing that it seems almost too good to be true. But we know that the bible does not lie and so it is the truth and what a fantastic truth it is. JohnHi! I’m…

  • To Such Belongs the Kingdom of God

    (Luke 18:15-17) Last night one of my grandchildren spent the night with my wife and I. He is a little over three years old and a bundle of energy. It is always a joy when my grandchildren come to stay, even when they wear us out with their constant curiosity and questions. But it reminds…

  • The Centurions Slave

    (Luke 7:1-10) Have you ever considered the difference between power and authority? It is possible for a person to have power but no authority, but typically a person who has authority also has power. We see in this section of scripture a discussion of this matter and the importance of recognising the power AND the…

  • Let the Children Come

    (Mark 10:13-16) Too often as adults we exclude children. The old saying that children should be sen and not heard is still often applied by many people. In public places and in churches they are told to be still, keep quiet and stop being disruptive. But they are kids! By nature they are boisterous, undisciplined…

  • Jesus Came to Call the Sinners

    (Mark 2:13-17) Jesus came to call the sinners and not the righteous. When he called Levi the tax collector in this section of Mark we see he went to his house and ate with the sinners and tax collectors. The scribes at that time looked down on Jesus for being with these people they thought…

  • Humiliation of Jesus

    (Matthew 27:27-31) After Pilate released him into the hands of the chief priests, the soldiers took Jesus to the praetorium where he was humiliated. The humiliation of Jesus was in the form of mockery and abuse. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him as if he were royalty, plaited a crown of…

  • The Will of the Father

    (Matthew 21:23-27 – The Will of the Father) What is the will of the Father? Do you know what the will of the Father is in the first place to be able to do it? Jesus shows us what it means to be doing the will of the Father in this section of scripture. The…

  • No Gatekeepers between Man and God

    (Matthew 19:13-15) At this time the people were bringing children to Jesus to have him lay his hands on them and pray. They were seeking for the Lord to bless their children. However as often happens, the people around the Lord, his disciples, were “running interference” to try and “protect” Jesus from these interruptions. Imagine…

  • Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    (Matthew 18:1-6) The disciples came to Jesus to ask who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. This is a common thought of man. When we look at things like the Guinness book of records we see a collection of the most outstanding achievements of mankind in all disciplines. When we think about the…