Category: Luke 11

  • Five Reasons Why Jesus Didn’t Like Lawyers

    (Luke 11:45-54) Before I get into Jesus comments and concerns, let me state up front, it wasn’t personal. It wasn’t that Jesus didn’t like the people who were lawyers, he just didn’t like what they did and the problems they were causing. OK? Jesus didn’t dislike anybody, but he did frequently get quite stirred up…

  • Three Ways How to be a Hypocrite (and Then To Avoid It)

    (Luke 11:42-44) Jesus hated hypocrisy. Most people do. But there are some valuable lessons we can learn by looking at hypocrisy, and then do the opposite. There is a technique used in creative thinking workshops called “Anti-Solution” to help overcome mental blocks. It looks at all the ways you can make something fail and then…

  • Four Reasons Why Cleaning Up Your Act is Not About Looking Good

    (Luke 11:37-41) Do clothes really make the man? Is cleanliness next to godliness? There are some people, even industries today that would have us believe so. But is there any truth in such thinking? Jesus certainly didn’t think so as seen in this scripture and here are four reasons why such thinking is wrong. JohnHi!…

  • Walking in the Light

    (Luke 11:33-36) Many times Jesus taught the people that they should be walking in the light. Here he teaches us an important lesson about how to walk in the light. What is the light? The light that Jesus speaks of is the light of knowledge. More specifically it is the light of the knowledge of…

  • The Sign of Jonah

    (Luke 11:29-32) Jesus calls the generation he was speaking to an evil and adulterous generation for they were seeking a sign. Specifically they were seeking a sign from him to prove he was the Christ. But Jesus said to them they would get no sign except the sign of Jonah. JohnHi! I’m John, the owner,…

  • Blessed Are Those Who Hear the Word of God and Keep It

    (Luke 11:27-28) A woman in the crowd called out to Jesus saying, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” (Verse 27) She was building up and saying that Jesus mother was blessed. There is no doubt that Mary was blessed for she was a chosen instrument of God to…

  • Demon Possession

    (Luke 11:24-26) Jesus gives us an unusual insight into the spiritual realm in this section of scripture. There were numerous times where he (and others) cast out demons releasing people from the power of Satan. Here he tells us what happens to the demons cast out, which gives us some insight. JohnHi! I’m John, the…

  • A Kingdom Divided Cannot Stand

    (Luke 11:14-23) Have you ever been in a situation where there is a power struggle going on? You see it in political parties, sometimes in business and often in family life. What is the outcome of these factional disputes? Chaos, anarchy, trouble, frustration and the list goes on. In this section of scripture we see…

  • Ask and It Will Be Given You

    (Luke 11:9-13) Do you know how to get what you want? Do you know how to find what you are seeking? Strangely, many people seem not to know these simple things, and that is a problem, especially in relation to their walk with Christ. Ask and it Will be Given If you want something, you…

  • Persistence in Prayer

    (Luke 11:5-8) Recently I received an email from someone who had all but given up. He said he had been praying for nine years for the conversion of some members of his family and nothing had happened. They still had not come to the Lord and the essence of his note was, why bother praying…

  • The Lords Prayer – How to Pray

    (Luke 11:1-4) Do you know how to pray? Did you know that the Lord gave a master class on how to pray and we can learn from it? This post looks at the process of praying as the Lord taught his disciples and which we can and should learn from too. This lesson is contained…