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Tag: Working for the Lord

  • Fulfill Your Ministry

    In his last days Paul exhorted and encouraged Timothy to “Fulfill your ministry” by doing the work he was assigned. We must do likewise.

  • No Time to be Lazy in the Lord

    There is no time to be lazy in the Lord. This is important physically but even more important spiritually.

  • Are you working for a living with Christ?

    Whatever you do in your life you are working for a living. That doesn’t mean to earn money but rather working for a living with Christ.

  • Bound For Glory

    (Acts 22:22-30) Paul’s return to Jerusalem was surrounded by controversy and tumult. After being almost killed by a mob in the city he was dragged away by soldiers bound and arrested. Paul was permitted to make a defence to the crowd who had almost killed him and they listened to the point where he told…

  • Working for The Lord

    (Acts 18:1-4) My website is called “freegiftfromgod.com” for a reason. It is based upon the approach that Paul took to the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ where Paul chose to work to meet his living expenses while he travelled and taught the word to many people, rather than place a financial…

  • Evangelism Primer from Apostle Paul

    (Acts 17:16-34) One of the things we see in the work of Paul and the other apostles, apart from the teachings they taught, is how they spread the word of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When Paul arrived in Athens in Greece, while waiting for his co-workers to catch up he wandered the streets of…

  • Suffering for the Lord’s Sake

    (Acts 16:19-24) When you come to The Lord and especially if you do a work in his name, it is never a bed of roses. The one thing you can be sure of is that if you work for The Lord you are going to come up against opposition and that means you may suffer.…

  • Paul and Barnabas Split Up

    (Acts 15:36-41) Usually I post every third day or so, but it has been more than that since my last post here. The reason why is because I am baffled as to what to write since this section of scripture concerns the split in the partnership of the apostles Paul and Barnabas. One of the…

  • Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen

    (Acts 13:1-3) A great many people have and will yet come to The Lord. Some will receive ministry work to do in the church. Others will simply live their life as examples of the faith in action, humbly and respectfully praising and worshipping their Lord and ours. But there are a few who for one…

  • Your Life Is In Gods Hands

    (Acts 12:1-11) It is the folly of the young, and young men in particular, to think they are bulletproof. They often think, act and behave as if life will go on forever and that no matter what they do they will be OK. The news is full of the stories of young men who have…

  • The Lords work WILL Be Done

    (Acts 5:21-26) Think about Jonah. He tried to escape from doing the work of The Lord by running away to sea. Did he get very far? Nope! The Lord brought a storm down, threatening to sink the boat Jonah was on until the sailors threw him overboard to be swallowed by the great fish. The…

  • Taught By Jesus

    (Acts 4:13) This one verse today is very interesting and one we should consider carefully today. It goes to the heart of ministry and who is capable of teaching the word of Jesus. Let’s first have a quick look at the verse itself. “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived…