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Tag: Wisdom

  • Stand Up and Listen to Wisdom

    (John 7:45-52) My last few posts have been looking at testing what you hear and ensuring that you check the source of what you accept to ensure that you are following truth and not cleverly disguised lies. In this section of the word we find another necessary practice. As a discussion arose among the Pharisees…

  • Food for the Spirit

    (John 6:1-14) These verses relate to the feeding of the five thousand, which is a remarkable miracle any way that you look at it. I have written about this miracle several times already as I covered it in each of the other three gospels, so I will not cover that aspect again. If you want…

  • Why the Buck Doesn’t Stop Here

    (Luke 12:13-21) Most people would look at this title and wonder what the heck is going on. It is a common saying that “The Buck Stops Here” which was popularised by President Harry Truman who meant it to mean that ultimately he took responsibility for most things. Some have “bent” its meaning over the years…

  • Damned If You Do Damned If You Don’t

    (Luke 7:31-35) Sometimes you just can’t win! Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you do you will be damned if you do and damned if you don’t. And that is exactly what Jesus was saying in this section of scripture. You Just Can’t Win The Pharisees and scribes opposed Jesus and judged him for many things.…

  • Looking at Things as Jesus Sees Them

    (Mark 14:1-9) In some of my recent posts I have alluded to the way that the Lord does not look at things as man does. The Lord looks at things from a spiritual perspective, but man sees things in a physical way. Naturally this is because Jesus is spirit and man is flesh. So man…

  • The Lesson of the Widows Mites

    (Mark 12:41-44) Jesus sat in the temple opposite the treasury and watched the people giving gifts. Many rich people put in large sums, but there was a poor widow who contributed just two coins. These coins in total amounted to about one penny. Rather than consider this to be insignificant Jesus teaches us a valuable…

  • He Who Is Not With Us Is Against Us

    (Mark 9:38-41) The Lord taught the disciples an interesting lesson in this section of scripture. The disciples had come come across a man casting out demons in the name of Jesus, but the man was not following with Jesus and the disciples. The disciples forbade him from continuing to do this work. But Jesus said,…

  • Healing the Blind Man

    (Mark 8:22-26) How clearly do we see the things around us? How well do we perceive what it is that we see? Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind, and not just the physically blind, but the spiritually blind too. When we look at the miracles he did it is worth considering how…

  • Warning for the Servants of God

     (Matthew 24:45-51) The servants of the Lord in this section are those who have a responsibility for the church. They are the teachers, preachers and ministers of the church. Their responsibilities are to care for the people of the Lord and to ensure they teach them well so the people grow to maturity in Jesus…

  • Traditions of Men Versus the Word of God

    (Matthew 15:1-9) The scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus asking why the disciples did not observe the tradition of the elders regarding the washing of their hands before eating. Jesus used the opportunity to teach about the traditions of men versus the word of god. The scribes and Pharisees had many traditions of men, many…

  • The Revelation to the Babes in Christ

    (Matthew 11:25-27) When the Lord came to open up the word of the New Covenant, he intended for the message to be accessible and available to all mankind. The revelation of his word was such that any person would be able to understand it if they came to him seeking to understand. Paul wrote in…

  • Damned if you Do and Damned if you Don’t

    (Matthew 11:16-19) In this section Jesus showed that as a Christian sometimes you would never be able to please people. He had just been speaking about John the Baptist, commenting that among those born of women there was no one greater then John. Now John was a rough and rustic sort of an individual. He…