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Tag: Who is Greatest

  • Coming to the Light

    (John 1:6-8) The Apostle John now introduces John the baptist. In just a word or two he provides and enormous amount of understanding as to who John was and what his purpose and mission was. Jesus described John as the greatest man to have been born? In Matthew 11:11 Jesus said, “Truly, I say to…

  • Who is the Greatest?

    (Mark 9:33-37) In this world people strive to be the best. To be faster, bigger, stronger, more powerful, richer or more famous than others. It is commonly heard that you have to “sing your own praises” or “blow your own trumpet” because no-one else will. In this world there are processes and training to enable…

  • Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    (Matthew 18:1-6) The disciples came to Jesus to ask who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. This is a common thought of man. When we look at things like the Guinness book of records we see a collection of the most outstanding achievements of mankind in all disciplines. When we think about the…