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Tag: Walking with Jesus

  • Accepted For Who You Are

    (2 Corinthians 8:1-12) There are many people in the church today who suffer needlessly. They believe that they are sinners and could never be acceptable to God, and so they live lives of gulit and self-condemnation. I am aware also of some churches that preach a similar dogma, stating that it is virtually impossible to…

  • Let There Be Light

    (2 Corinthians 4:6) Among Christians there has been an argument running for many years concerning how God created the world and everything in it. One of the interesting parts of the argument is centered around what God meant when He said on the first day of the creation, “Let there be light.” There are those…

  • Apostles

    (1 Corinthians 4:8-13) In this section we see Paul talking about the roles of the apostles. To be an apostle is to be greatly blessed by the Lord for it is an important work that the apostles did and do. But as we see in this scripture the work of the apostles is sometimes a…

  • Walking In Love

    (Romans 14:13-19) In all the things that we have come to as Christians, this is the most important. We are being trained in Christ so the we may be like Hime. We are being transformed by the Holy Spirit into the image of Jesus Christ, who is Himself the image of the Father. And we…

  • Walking Properly With Christ

    (Romans 13:12-14) One of the first principles of coming to Jesus Christ is the principle of repentance. Repentance relates to changing your life by turning around and away from the things of this world to the things of the spirit. The word “repentance” is translated from the Greek word “metanoia” which literally means to change…

  • Seek Honour, Not Evil

    (Romans 12:17) The Lord God said in various places that vengeance belongs to Him. It is not for us to seek to avenge ourselves but rather to leave vengeance to the wrath of God. If you are a Christian and have been for any length of time, you will certainly have suffered at the hands…

  • Choose Christ

    (Romans 9:1-5) This section of scripture looks at the issue of choices. It considers the choices God made and the choices that people made in biblical times, which carry through to today. God chose Israel to be His chosen people and in other places He calls Israel the “Apple of my eye”. It was God's…

  • Oops, I Did It Again

    (Romans 7:9-12) No this post is not about the song of the same title by Britney Spears, although she too has succumbed in this human problem as well. She has had a few epic fails that have been splashed all over the media and I feel really sorry for what she has been through. What…

  • Reconciled To God

    Romans 5:9-11 The primary reason for Jesus coming to this world was to reconcile man to God. It was the purpose and goal of God the Father to establish a means by which man would be able to step aside from sin and come into a place where God is prepared to help man be…

  • Why We Suffer

    (Romans 5:3-4) One of the things we know and come to expect as Christians is that we will suffer. Throughout the New Testament we see teachings about suffering, the need for suffering, how to deal with suffering and not to be surprised at the sufferings and ordeals that come upon us as Christians. Suffering is…

  • Restored By Grace

    (Romans 3:24-26) In my last post I discussed verse 23, which is a much used and well known scripture. It spoke of the fact that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I spoke also of the redemption that is possible for those who subsequently come to God seeking a better…

  • Pathways of The Lord

    (Acts 21:1-14) There is a proverb in Proverbs 16:9 which says, The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. In this section of Acts we see how this proverb worked out in the life of Paul. Paul planned to go to Jerusalem in spite of the fact that at every…