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Tag: Walking in the Spirit

  • Why We Suffer

    (Romans 5:3-4) One of the things we know and come to expect as Christians is that we will suffer. Throughout the New Testament we see teachings about suffering, the need for suffering, how to deal with suffering and not to be surprised at the sufferings and ordeals that come upon us as Christians. Suffering is…

  • Restored By Grace

    (Romans 3:24-26) In my last post I discussed verse 23, which is a much used and well known scripture. It spoke of the fact that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I spoke also of the redemption that is possible for those who subsequently come to God seeking a better…

  • Greed Leads To Loss

    (Acts 27:1-12) Greed is destructive. Greed destroys people and relationships as the passions of people rise to lead people to make bad and destructive decisions. In this section of scripture, which mainly talks about the initial journey of Paul to Rome, we see how the greed of the boat owners led to the destruction of…

  • Jealousy, the Green Eyed Monster!

    (Acts 13:44-52) Jealousy! How many people have lost opportunities, friends, relationships and more because they were jealous? And how many have caused untold destruction, damage and misery because of their jealousy? Jealousy is often called the green eyed monster, and a monster it is! A destructive, powerful force within people that causes them to do…

  • Speaking in Tongues

    (Acts 2:5-13) In this section of scripture where the disciples received the Holy Spirit we see the first outpouring of the gift of speaking in tongues. Here we note the people in Jerusalem rush together at the sound of the disciples who were all speaking in tongues together. Now there were many visitors in Jerusalem…

  • The Peace of Christ

    (John 14:25-27) Peace! In this world just the very word is like water to a thirsty man. But there is a peace that is greater than anything in this world. The peace of God which passes all understanding, as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:7. And the peace of Christ is not like the peace we…

  • Serving Jesus

    (John 12:25-26) How do we go about serving Jesus? What are the steps, behaviours and actions that represent serving Jesus? I am sure that you can think of many of the things you can and should do to be serving Jesus, but Jesus himself gave us an interesting insight into this matter in these scriptures.…

  • The Disciples Will Fall Away

    (Matthew 26:30-35) After the last supper Jesus and the disciples went out to the Mount of Olives. In keeping with his desire that there be no surprises, Jesus told the disciples they would all fall away from him that very night. This was to fulfil the prophecy of Zechariah, which said, “I will strike the…

  • Temptations to Sin are Sure to Come

    (Matthew 18:7-9) As we live in this world we must understand that there are many temptations to sin in the world. Jesus was well aware of this for he knew that temptations to sin are sure to come and in this section even said it was necessary that temptations come. Everyone in this world suffers…

  • Jesus Foretells his Death and Resurrection

    (Matthew 16:21-23) Jesus regularly pre-warned the disciples of things to come. Jesus never leaves us completely in the dark, either then or now. Here we see Jesus foretells his death and resurrection to his disciples so they would understand what was coming and what would happen. He wanted to assure them that this was what…