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Tag: Walking in the Spirit

  • Manifestation of the Spirit

    (1 Corinthians 12:7) This single verse presents Christians with a few interesting questions. It says, To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. – (1 Corinthians 12:7) First, what is the “manifestation” of the Spirit? Second, who is it given to and how do you get it? And finally why…

  • God’s Protection

    (1 Corinthians 10:13) Walking in Christ is not an easy journey. We are called to receive life into eternity, but the road to that life is filled with struggles, troubles, trials and tribulations, for that is our lot as we walk with Christ Jesus. We are warned about this many times in the Bible and…

  • No Anxiety

    (1 Corinthians 7:32-35) As Christians we have been called to have peace. We are being trained by the Lord through the working of the Holy Spirit to be able to find peace and to hold onto it. The ways of the Lord lead to peace when we apply His teachings in our lives. When we…

  • One Spirit With Christ

    (1 Corinthians 6:13-18) This section of scripture goes into great detail about warning us not to go down the path of sexual immorality. It is perhaps more relevant today than when it was written with the moral decline in this world where one night stands and all kinds of sexual perversions are the norm. But…

  • Imitate Christ

    (1 Corinthians 4:14-20) In this section of scripture we see Paul telling the people to imitate him. Now you may think that to be an imitation is to be a fake, as often we see imitations of products made on the cheap and that are not very good quality. But that is not the meaning…

  • Walking Properly With Christ

    (Romans 13:12-14) One of the first principles of coming to Jesus Christ is the principle of repentance. Repentance relates to changing your life by turning around and away from the things of this world to the things of the spirit. The word “repentance” is translated from the Greek word “metanoia” which literally means to change…

  • Sons, not Slaves

    (Romans 8:14-17) There is a sharp distinction between our life in Jesus Christ and living in this world. There are two sets of opposing powers at work that significantly affect and impact every person on this planet. On the one hand there is the spirit of this world. This world today is ruled by the…

  • Walking In The Spirit

    (Romans 8:12-13) This section of the scripture goes right to the heart of walking in the spirit and it is essential to understand what it says and then how to apply it in your life. In the previous verses we saw a great discussion on the difference between walking in the spirit and walking in…

  • What Are You Thinking About?

    (Romans 8:5-8) These few verses in Romans 8 are fundamental to the change process that is going on in those who come to the Lord. They are the key to the changes that are being wrought in His people and are the most fundamental explanation of walking in the spirit. Until a Christian understands this…

  • Oops, I Did It Again

    (Romans 7:9-12) No this post is not about the song of the same title by Britney Spears, although she too has succumbed in this human problem as well. She has had a few epic fails that have been splashed all over the media and I feel really sorry for what she has been through. What…

  • Change Your Behaviour

    (Romans 6:12-13) In my last post we saw from the writing of Paul that when we come to Jesus and take on His death as our own through faith and by the grace of God, we are no longer sinners. We are no longer held accountable and condemned as sinners for we have moved from…

  • You Are NOT a Sinner

    (Romans 6:1-11) If there is one issue that Christians struggle with it is how they stand in relation to sin after coming to The Lord. I would like you to read the title of this post once again before I go on. Done that? Good! So let me repeat it…you are NOT a sinner. And…