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Tag: Understand

  • Understanding the Word Of God

    (2 Corinthians 1:12-14) One of the things that always concerns me is how some people make the word of God difficult to understand. Those who go through doctrinal training at bible schools and universities are often most to blame as they make the word hard to understand by using big words and difficult concepts that…

  • The Bible

    (Romans 15:4) What is the Bible? What is it about this book that has made it the number one best selling book of all time? In my opinion, the bible is not just another book full of interesting stories and rules for living. No, it is much, much more than that. The bible is the…

  • Not All Will Believe

    (Acts 14:1-7) Sometimes when we speak the word of The Lord to people there are those that just don’t “get it.” No matter what you do or say they just seem to miss the point. Too often I have seen those doing the preaching wring their hands (metaphorically speaking) because someone they have been preaching…

  • Stand Up and Listen to Wisdom

    (John 7:45-52) My last few posts have been looking at testing what you hear and ensuring that you check the source of what you accept to ensure that you are following truth and not cleverly disguised lies. In this section of the word we find another necessary practice. As a discussion arose among the Pharisees…

  • Jesus is Delivered into the Hands of Men

    (Luke 9:43-45) Jesus had just cleansed a boy of a demon that the disciples could not remove. The people around were marvelling at the majesty of God and all the mighty works Jesus did. Yet at the height of their adulation and wonder at Jesus he said to his disciples privately that he was to…