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Tag: Tithing

  • Christian Giving

    (Acts 11:27-30) Throughout the development of the early Christian church the needs of the church were met by the giving of money or other things by the members of the church. All of the needs of those who had little or nothing were met by sharing from those who had an abundance. We see discussions…

  • Christian Giving vs. Tithing

    (Acts 4:32-37) The process of giving in the early Christian church was not like it was under the law of Judaism. In Jesus Christ the people had been set free from the confines of the Old Testament law, but this did not take place until the New Covenant came into effect at the death of…

  • Render to Caesar the Things that are Caesar’s

    (Mark 12:13-17) The Pharisees and Herodians were sent to Jesus to try and entrap him. The chief priests were looking for a reason to arrest Jesus and hoped that he could be trapped by teaching something opposing the laws of the land. First they tried to get under Jesus’ guard with flattery saying they knew…

  • Straining Out a Gnat and Swallowing a Camel

    (Matthew 23:23-24) Jesus calls the Pharisees to account for their hypocrisy using the analogy of straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel. What is interesting in this teaching is what he is referring to, for he is speaking of the comparison between tithing in the minutest amounts, in relation to justice, mercy and faith.…

  • Paying Taxes to Caesar

    (Matthew 22:15-22) There are some interesting aspects to this teaching about paying taxes to Caesar. The Herodians sought to entangle Jesus in his talk. They sought to have him say it was wrong to pay taxes to Caesar so that they could accuse him of defying the ruling authorities. But Jesus was aware of their…

  • Self Righteousness and Healing on the Sabbath

    (Matthew 12:9-14) By this time the Pharisees were seeking opportunity to condemn and destroy Jesus. They were jealous of him and afraid of his power, for all the people were following this new teaching and the Pharisees were losing their authority and position over the people. The problem the Pharisees had was they could find…