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Tag: Tithing

  • Tithing in the Modern Church

    (Hebrews 7:1-10 – Tithing in the Modern Church) There is a major problem in the modern church with the practice of tithing. And the majority of the church has no idea that it is even a problem! Part of the problem has to do with the interpretation of this scripture where Abraham paid tithes to…

  • House Church

    A house church offers many benefits that are not available to large churches. In fact most of the early churches were house churches.

  • Christianity For Profit

    Christianity for profit is not a new phenomenon. It existed in Paul’s day, but is much worse today as preachers teach falsely in Christ’s name.

  • The Love of Money is the Root of All Evils

    The love of money is the root of all evils. At it’s heart is greed and it leads many astray. The prosperity gospel in the church is a classic example of this evil.

  • Unburdening the Church

    Too often we hear of pastors burning out churches. We also hear of people leaving the church for lack of spiritual food. Unburdening the church will resolve many of these issues.

  • Episode 44 – The Problem with Tithing in the Modern Church

    Some sections of the modern Christian church have instituted the practice of tithing as the mechanism for financing the church. But this practice has deep and often unseen implications for the church that can sever Christians from grace and from Jesus Christ. Listen to this podcast now to find out more.

  • Love Shares, It Does Not Take

    (Galatians 6:6) There are some ministers in the church who take this scripture and twist it to their own purposes. This is unfortunate but not unheard of as there are some in the church who do twist scriptures to gain a personal advantage. And we are warned about this in the Bible, that there will…

  • Righteous By Faith

    (Galatians 3:11-12) In the time before the coming of Christ, the Israelites were God’s chosen people. He gave them the law to follow for the purpose of understanding His will and to rein in the tendencies of man towards sin and sinfulness. But man failed. Man could not keep the law, and so their righteousness…

  • Church Financing

    (2 Corinthians 8:13-24) How should the church be financed? What is the means by which the church should receive it’s funding? Even though we know that money is not a priority in the Lord, there is a basic financial need in the church for it to operate. We need to pay for premises, whether rented…

  • Marketing Christ

    (2 Corinthians 2:12-17 – Marketing Christ) One of the things that bothers me is when churches, pastors and Christians in general use Jesus for the purpose of marketing to make a profit, that is, where their sole or primary purpose is to make money from the name of Jesus. Don’t get me wrong here though,…

  • Giving NOT Tithing

    (1 Corinthians 16:1-4 – Giving NOT Tithing) In various places across this blog I have posted information about the financing of the Christian church. I know that many in the church these days tithe and give offerings because that is what they are taught by their ministers and pastors. And there is no doubt that…

  • The Gospel For Free

    (1 Corinthians 9:1-18) Do you like to get things for free? No cost, no charge and no payment? I know I do, especially when those things have some value, and even more when they are of great value. Well, there is no greater gift we can receive for free than to receive the knowledge of…