Tag: Temptation
Expect the Worst but Hope for the Best
There is an attitude that we need to take as we walk with Christ. We need to expect the worst but hope for the best.
How to Overcome Temptation
Temptations are everywhere. So it is important as Christians that we understand both the sources of temptation as well as how to overcome temptation.
God’s Protection
(1 Corinthians 10:13) Walking in Christ is not an easy journey. We are called to receive life into eternity, but the road to that life is filled with struggles, troubles, trials and tribulations, for that is our lot as we walk with Christ Jesus. We are warned about this many times in the Bible and…
Nothing But The Truth
(Acts 24:10-21) Paul had been imprisoned and dragged before governors and tribunals to defend himself against a rash of trumped up charges from the Jewish leaders of his time. And aside from his imprisonment, a plot had been made to ambush him while on the road to kill him. When these things failed, the Jewish…
Resist Temptation
(Luke 17:1-2) For those who are coming to Jesus one of the great challenges is the need to resist temptation. In this section of scripture Jesus makes it abundantly clear that temptation to sin will surely come just as night always follows day. So it is important that we understand how to resist temptation and…
The Temptation of Christ
(Luke 4:1-13) After receiving the Holy Spirit at the commencement of his ministry, Jesus was led into the wilderness and fasted for forty days and nights. After this he was tempted by Satan. In the three temptations that he was tried with we see the key temptations that are common to all of mankind. And…
Let This Cup Pass
(Mark 14:32-42) Jesus took the disciples, Peter, James and John with him into the gardens at Gethsemane to pray, knowing his betrayal was at hand. He was greatly distressed and deeply troubled as he knew the suffering that he was to suffer on our behalf. And in this section we see how deeply that pain…
Jesus in the Wilderness
(Mark 1:12-13) After his baptism, Jesus was taken out into the wilderness for forty days where he fasted and was tempted by Satan. Mark’s account says very little about this event, but it is significant and one from which we can learn much. First we must understand that Jesus was tempted in the same ways…
Jesus Prays in the Garden at Gethsemane
(Matthew 26:36-46) After the Last Supper we see Jesus take the disciples and go to the garden at Gethsemane. What we see when Jesus prays in the garden at Gethsemane is that these are the last few hours before his betrayal. He spends this time knowing that his betrayer approaches and that he will be delivered into…
The Disciples Will Fall Away
(Matthew 26:30-35) After the last supper Jesus and the disciples went out to the Mount of Olives. In keeping with his desire that there be no surprises, Jesus told the disciples they would all fall away from him that very night. This was to fulfil the prophecy of Zechariah, which said, “I will strike the…
Temptations to Sin are Sure to Come
(Matthew 18:7-9) As we live in this world we must understand that there are many temptations to sin in the world. Jesus was well aware of this for he knew that temptations to sin are sure to come and in this section even said it was necessary that temptations come. Everyone in this world suffers…
Jesus Foretells his Death and Resurrection
(Matthew 16:21-23) Jesus regularly pre-warned the disciples of things to come. Jesus never leaves us completely in the dark, either then or now. Here we see Jesus foretells his death and resurrection to his disciples so they would understand what was coming and what would happen. He wanted to assure them that this was what…