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Tag: Sowing the Seed

  • Preach the Word

    As servants of Christ we need to preach the word – urgently, convincingly, patiently and unfailingly. The time is short and the need is great.

  • A Great Falling Away

    A great falling away is prophesied in scripture. There will also be an individual falling away. Be encouraged knowing this has to happen.

  • Spreading the gospel and growing in Jesus Christ

    This post looks at a number of issues from the words of 1 Thessalonians. It calls for Christians to consider their faith and not allow it to be derailed by false teachings.

  • You Will Reap What You Sow

    (Galatians 6:7-8) This principle we are looking at today should be classified as one of the underlying principles that uphold the universe. It is certainly universally understood and recognised in all walks of life. You reap what you sow is truth. There is no getting around it. You cannot expect to receive something if you…

  • You Reap What You Sow

    (2 Corinthians 9:6) This scripture speaks about reaping and sowing, as do many other verses in the Bible. It is an important point that all people, and Christians especially need to know and understand. The verse says this: ”The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully…

  • Not All Will Believe

    (Acts 14:1-7) Sometimes when we speak the word of The Lord to people there are those that just don’t “get it.” No matter what you do or say they just seem to miss the point. Too often I have seen those doing the preaching wring their hands (metaphorically speaking) because someone they have been preaching…

  • Growth in the Kingdom of God

    (Mark 4:26-29) Jesus tells us in this section what growth in the kingdom of God is like. He says it is like someone sowing a seed which then germinates, sprouts and grows until it reaches matureity and is harvested. How this occurs nobody knows for the process of growth and life of a seed or…

  • Understand the Parable of the Sower

    Understanding the parable of the sower is important for it shows the path of many who hear the word of God. Not everyone who hears the word will listen, take it to heart and allow the word to make a difference in their life. Let us look at the categories the Lord has given us…

  • A Sower Went Out To Sow

    (Mark 4:1-9) A large crowd had gathered around Jesus by the sea and he began to teach them. He taught them about the parable of the sower beginning with the words, “A sower went out to sow…” This is an interesting parable in many ways and there is much we can learn about people and…