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Tag: Simplicity of the New Covenant

  • A New Creation In Christ Jesus

    (Galatians 6:11-18) When we come to Jesus we learn that we are new creations; the old has passed away and the new has come. But often we do not live as the new creations that we are. Often we continue to live in the old ways of the world having missed the point of the…

  • Understanding the Word Of God

    (2 Corinthians 1:12-14) One of the things that always concerns me is how some people make the word of God difficult to understand. Those who go through doctrinal training at bible schools and universities are often most to blame as they make the word hard to understand by using big words and difficult concepts that…

  • Sanctified As Saints

    (1 Corinthians 1:1-3) It is often easy to gloss over the first few verses of the letters in the New Testament as they generally contain things like greetings to the brethren and to whom the letters are addressed. But it is worth looking at how these greetings are made for there are often insights we…

  • Simplicity of Righteousness by Faith

    (Romans 10:5-13) Righteousness by faith is a very simple process. And it is not a new process because it existed even prior to Jesus coming. Parts of this section of scripture show the pre-existence of righteousness by faith even under the law for even then there was a requirement of faith. More importantly though is…

  • The Power Of One

    (Romans 5:15-19) We see in this section how the actions of two men, acting as individuals, have changed the fates of all humanity. One brought death and destruction to all of mankind. The other promises reconciliation and life to all mankind. Both of these men began in similar circumstances but the outcomes of their lives…

  • If You Keep My Commandments

    (John 15:8-11) We are looking at the section of John 15 where Jesus is teaching about Him being the vine, we are the branches and the Father is the vinedresser. In fact this is now my third post from this section and here we see Jesus add to the discussion about abiding in His love,…

  • The Great Commission Part 3

    (Matthew 28:16-20 – The Great Commission – Part 3) The third element of the Great Commission given by Jesus to his disciples was, “…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Verse 20) He told the disciples to teach the people what he had taught them. These are the teachings of the New…

  • My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light

    (Matthew 11:28-30) This is a beautiful piece of scripture for in it we see the Lord reveal the essence of walking with him under the New Covenant. Being a Christian and walking with the Lord is not a hard thing to do. Sure there may be hard times that need to be faced and issues…