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Tag: Servant

  • How to become a servant of God

    The aim of most Christians is to learn how to become a servant of God. This post looks at the basic processes and what is needed.

  • Honouring the Leaders in the Church

    Honouring leaders in the church both financially and for the work they do in the service of the Lord is a good thing to do. But leaders should not expect more than they deserve.

  • All To The Glory Of God

    (1 Corinthians 10:25-33) Here is a question for you. If you knew Jesus was looking over your shoulder every minute of the day, would you do anything differently? I hope the answer you gave to yourself was “no.” But if it wasn't, then consider what you might need to do to change. The focus of…

  • A Call To Persevere

    (Romans 12:11) This section of Romans 12 covers many different aspects of living in Christ. In this whole paragraph we see many exhortations to the people of Rome to stand firm and remain faithful, to live lives befitting those who call themselves Christians. Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord.…

  • Obedient Slaves

    (Romans 6:15-22) In my last few posts I have looked at the prime focus of the death of Jesus and the purpose of His shed blood. That purpose was to set man free from sin and to release man from the power of sin, which is bondage to the law. It is by baptism into…

  • A Servant is Not Greater than His Master

    (John 15:18-20) There is a principle here that we can learn that will help us understand just how far we can go in our walk with Jesus Christ. There is also a warning and a reminder of what to expect as we walk with Christ in these verses. We see also that Jesus made us…

  • The Humble Leader

    (John 13:12-18) A great part of the life and ministry of Jesus was teaching by example. He taught the disciples many things in words, which they wrote down for our instruction, and He also provided visible examples of what He was teaching in His actions. Often in this world we see the exact opposite. I…

  • Show Yourself to the World

    (John 7:1-9) Have you ever done a search on the internet for a one-hit wonder? You know, someone who was a star of screen or stage or had a hit single out that was all the rage and then they just disappeared? The search would be along the lines of, “Whatever happened to…” and you…

  • Jesus is the Servant Leader: A better way to lead

    We often hear references made to the concept of the servant leader. Jesus shows us just exactly what that concept really means, and more.

  • In The Lords Service

    (Luke 19:11-27) Who is the good servant that will be rewarded on the return of the Lord? It is the one who serves the Lord according to his wishes. This section of scripture teaches much about serving the Lord and what it means to serve the Lord. It also shows us the outcomes for those…

  • Serving the Lord

    (Luke 17:7-10) If you are serving the Lord do you have great expectations as to your reward for the work you do? Because you are serving the Lord, do you believe that you have a greater entitlement than others in the blessings of the Lord? If so you may be in for a shock for…

  • The Parable of the Talents

    (Matthew 25:14-30) This parable continues the warnings Jesus gave to those who are his so that they would act as they should. The parable of the  talents has two significant sections. First it discusses the giving of the talents and how they are to be employed, and second what will occur on the return of…