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Tag: Riches

  • Seek the true riches in Jesus Christ

    It is futile to seek the wealth of this world. Prosperity gospel is a false teaching. Seek the true riches in Jesus Christ that lead to life.

  • The Love of Money is the Root of All Evils

    The love of money is the root of all evils. At it’s heart is greed and it leads many astray. The prosperity gospel in the church is a classic example of this evil.

  • Are you content with your life?

    Are you content with your life? The world is always striving for bigger and better, sowing seeds of discontent. But in Christ you will find contentment with godliness.

  • Blessed are the Poor

    (Luke 6:20) Jesus began the sermon on the mount teaching the blessings we have come to know as the Beatitudes. These short teachings are powerful messages that still offer hope and promise today as much as they did then. Their insight has rung down through the centuries with the offer and promise of a hopeful…

  • Hard for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

    (Matthew 19:23-26) The Lord says that it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact he says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why is that so? What is…