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Tag: Power

  • In Jesus Name

    (Acts 4:1-12) In this world there are many religions, cults and sects. They all operate in the name of some so called deity or god and they invoke the name of their so called gods for all manner of things. By their gods they seek help, wealth, power and so on. But their gods are…

  • The Power of Jesus Name

    (Acts 3:1-16) As Peter and John came to the temple at the hour of prayer, they came upon a beggar laying at the temple gate seeking alms from the people. This beggar had not asked to be healed but simply looked at Peter and John asking them in the hope they may give him some…

  • You Shall Receive Power

    (Acts 1:1-9) The Gospels covered the message of Jesus Christ and bore witness to His work, His death and His resurrection. In the book of Acts we begin to see the work of the Apostles and those who followed Jesus and how the message was taken to the world. This message is still expanding in…

  • Jesus Appears to the Disciples

    (John 20:19-23) After Jesus had risen from the dead He appeared to the disciples many times. In these scriptures we see Him appear to His closest disciples, the eleven (bearing in mind that Judas had gone). This particular appearance is interesting for several reasons. Firstly, it was where He proved to the disciples that it…

  • The Word of God

    (John 3:31-36) Jesus spoke the words of God and He is the Word of God. What he spoke and taught in His gospel were not the words of man but of God. He did not speak about the things of this earth, but the things of the kingdom of heaven for His words are the…

  • For God So Loved The World

    (John 3:16) How many people have quoted this scripture? It is probably the most recognized scripture in the bible and has been immortalized in poetry, song and verse by many writers and musicians. And with good reason for it encapsulates in a few words the awesome purpose of God for man and the Creation. These…

  • Power to Become the Children of God

    (John 1:9-13) This is one of the most amazing and wonderful scriptures in the bible. The promise contained here is so amazing that it seems almost too good to be true. But we know that the bible does not lie and so it is the truth and what a fantastic truth it is. JohnHi! I’m…

  • Reason to Rejoice

    (Luke 10:16-20) After the seventy disciples had returned they were elated. They spoke to Jesus of the things they had done and the work accomplished saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” (Verse 17) But Jesus provides them with a different and better perspective and gives them a better reason…

  • Power and Authority over Demons

    (Luke 9:37-43) The power that Jesus had was not limited. More than that he had the authority to carry out the works he did. Nowhere was both his power and authority more apparent than when dealing with demons. There were numerous times when the Lord cast out demons from people afflicted in this way. In…

  • The Centurions Slave

    (Luke 7:1-10) Have you ever considered the difference between power and authority? It is possible for a person to have power but no authority, but typically a person who has authority also has power. We see in this section of scripture a discussion of this matter and the importance of recognising the power AND the…

  • Jesus Came to Call the Sinners

    (Mark 2:13-17) Jesus came to call the sinners and not the righteous. When he called Levi the tax collector in this section of Mark we see he went to his house and ate with the sinners and tax collectors. The scribes at that time looked down on Jesus for being with these people they thought…

  • The Disciples Will Fall Away

    (Matthew 26:30-35) After the last supper Jesus and the disciples went out to the Mount of Olives. In keeping with his desire that there be no surprises, Jesus told the disciples they would all fall away from him that very night. This was to fulfil the prophecy of Zechariah, which said, “I will strike the…