Tag: Love Your Neighbour

  • How to Love Jesus

    (John 14:18-24) Many Christians say that they love the Lord and that they love Jesus, but often they are talking from emotion. The love they describe is based on feelings. In this section we are taught how to love Jesus, not through feelings and emotions, but through obedience. If we want to love Jesus and…

  • A New Commandment

    (John 13:31-35) At the time of the last supper Jesus spoke to the disciples saying that He would give them a new commandment. He charged them specifically and in this new commandment brought together all of the essence of His teachings into a single sentence. In part this new commandment He gave was restating the…

  • Serving Jesus

    (John 12:25-26) How do we go about serving Jesus? What are the steps, behaviours and actions that represent serving Jesus? I am sure that you can think of many of the things you can and should do to be serving Jesus, but Jesus himself gave us an interesting insight into this matter in these scriptures.…

  • The Good Samaritan

    (Luke 10:29-37) Yesterday we saw that the Lord showed there is eternal life in keeping the law. A lawyer came to Jesus asking how to inherit eternal life and Jesus told him if he kept the two great laws, to love God and to love your neighbour, you would inherit life. But there is a…