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Tag: Joy

  • Give thanks to the Lord in ALL situations

    It is important that we give thanks to the Lord in all situations. In fact there is no time, good or bad, that cannot be improved by giving thanks to the Lord.

  • Fruits of the Spirit – JOY (Ep 69)

    Joy is the second of the nine fruits of the Spirit and it is different from the joy of people in this world. The joy of the Lord that comes through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit never fades or fails. It is permanent and eternal because God is eternal.

  • Rejoice in the Lord

    At this time of year, there are many Christians who will rejoice in the Lord. The birth of any child is a reason for great rejoicing and more so when the Saviour of the world was born. We saw how even heaven rejoiced when the angels of God filled the air with song at His…

  • The Riches of Faith are Better than Gold

    (Ephesians 1:15-18) In just a few words, Paul has written to the Ephesians and all those who read these words, his joy in the hope that is set before us by God in Jesus Christ. His joy is overflowing for those who have come to Christ and received the blessings of the Lord in return…

  • Lies and Innuendo

    (Acts 21:27-36) If you are a Christian and doggedly holding firm to your faith, you are going to suffer. You are going to be knocked down, kicked about, pushed to the limits, exasperated, frustrated and more for the sake of the gospel. Most of the time this will be spiritual attack through people, but sometimes…

  • The Joy of Jesus

    (John 16:16-22) Jesus in this section of scripture is preparing the disciples for his impending death and resurrection. He is telling them they will be struck down with sorrow as a result of His death. But He also tells them that in due course they will be filled with the joy of Jesus, which no…

  • The Prodigal Sons Big Brother

    (Luke 15:25-32) In my last post I looked at the Prodigal Son. Now let’s take the second part of that message and consider the prodigal son’s elder brother. Most people know about the prodigal son, but not too many think about the lesson the Lord was teaching about his elder brother. So let’s spare a…

  • Looking for Lost Sheep

    (Luke 15:1-7) When you read the Bible it sometimes makes you wonder how some people think. In this section of scripture the Pharisees and scribes murmured amongst themselves saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” (Verse 2) It never ceases to amaze me why these people were so staggered at this situation. If…