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Tag: Imitate Christ

  • A God of Mercy

    (Hebrews 6:9-12 – A God of Mercy) God is a God of mercy. We hear these words all of the time, and they are true. The words in the scriptures under review today are clear evidence of that. This is especially true when we consider the words leading up to this section of scripture. The…

  • Behave like a Christian

    We have been called by Christ to be transformed into His image. A big part of that is to learn how to behave like a Christian at all times.

  • Be an Example to the World

    As Christians we need to be an example to the world. They will see that we are different and wonder what it is. When that happens, tell them!

  • A Role Model for Jesus

    When we are a role model for Jesus, we cannot be hidden. We stand out and people want to know what is different about us.

  • How to live as Christians

    The scriptures today give us a great insight into how to live as Christians. We learn by example and imitating the true words of Jesus Christ

  • Imitate to Learn and Grow in Christ

    When we imitate to learn and grow in Christ, we are not being fake, we are trying to improve.

  • Imitate and Grow

    Imitation is necessary. It is by imitation that we learn and grow and that is the point of this scripture today. Imitation is not being false or fake. It is a necessary skill that we all learn as children and should not be shunned as adults. There are some excellent examples of imitation that prove…

  • Be Imitators of God

    (Ephesians 5:1) This scripture instructs us in a process that is extremely powerful and something we should all learn to do. It says: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” (Ephesians 5:1) You may think there is something wrong with this logic. You may think, “Isn’t an imitation false or a fake?” Well, in…

  • In Christ It Is Always Yes

    (2 Corinthians 1:12-24) One of the major phone companies here in Australia has the word ‘Yes’ as a combination motto, logo and customer promise. Whether they actually achieve that I don’t know, but it is a good marketing approach. Most people like to hear a ‘yes’ response because it means they are getting a positive…

  • Imitate Christ

    (1 Corinthians 11:1) Now here is an interesting scripture in the bible. It says, Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. – (1 Corinthians 11:1) What thoughts are conjured up in your mind when you think of being an “imitator” or an imitation of someone or something else? Do you perhaps think of…

  • Imitate Christ

    (1 Corinthians 4:14-20) In this section of scripture we see Paul telling the people to imitate him. Now you may think that to be an imitation is to be a fake, as often we see imitations of products made on the cheap and that are not very good quality. But that is not the meaning…