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Tag: Hope in God

  • Promise of God

    Hebrews 6:13-20 – Promise of God God made many promises to mankind, but the promise of God is not like man promises. When God makes a promise you can guarantee that His promise will be fulfilled and it will come to pass. In these scriptures I am looking at today, we see that not only…

  • The Day of the Lord

    (Hebrews 3:7-11 – The Day of the Lord When is the Day of the Lord? You may think it will be the Day of His second coming. Or perhaps the Judgement Day. Or maybe it was in the past, say perhaps the day of His birth, or the day of His resurrection. But the truth…

  • Jesus is our Hope

    Jesus is our hope in all things and there is no sin a man can commit that will keep him from the Lord if he turns to God and repents.

  • God is Faithful in His Promises

    God is faithful in His promises and He will do all that He has promised. The love and faithfulness of God is beyond human understanding.

  • Being Restored Through Hope

    Being restored in hope will and can only occur when we place our hopes upon the right things. Hoping in Christ is the only way our hopes can be realised in these current world crises.

  • Maturing as a Christian through Hope (Ep 96)

    The process to maturity leads us to hope. Jesus Christ is our hope of salvation and in Him we find hope to carry forward until His salvation is received. Listen now to find out more about this hope we have and hold fast in Jesus Christ.

  • God is a God of Hope (Ep 88)

    God is a God of Hope. In Him, we have a hope that transcends the issues and problems of this world and all of the things that are happening at this time.

  • God’s will for our Hope (Ep 84)

    “God is a God of hope. It was always His hope that we find Him and receive His blessings. The whole of the Creation is futile and was made that way in the hope we would seek the permanence only God offers. And His offer of hope is in and through Jesus Christ.”

  • How the Lord HELPS us through Hope (Ep 83)

    The prime hope that we have in Jesus Christ is the hope of and for salvation. And whether it is salvation to eternal life in Him, or whether it is to be saved from a disaster or crisis in this world, Jesus is the Saviour. He has promised to be our help in times of…

  • How Hope supports us (Ep 81)

    We receive support from the Lord in hope. Hope is future-oriented and through the help of the Lord hope builds us up. We can grow strong in our hope and we know that we can trust the words of the Lord and so strengthen our hope. Listen now to find out more.

  • God’s Purpose In Christ

    (Ephesians 1:9-12) Purpose is an important thing. We need a purpose to get us motivated; to get us out of bed in the morning. Purpose drives us forward, and God designed a purpose for man in Christ Jesus. I have written in other places about hope, and hope is also about purpose. So we shall…

  • No Resurrection, No Christianity

    (1 Corinthians 15:12-19) I wrote in my last post and have done so on other occasions also, that where there is no resurrection, there is no Christianity. Resurrection is the central core of what Christianity is all about. Christianity does not exist without it and it was the resurrection of Jesus Christ when the fulness…