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Tag: Giving

  • God Loves A Cheerful Giver

    (2 Corinthians 9:7-15) This would be one of the few verses that most people would know and recognise, even among those who are not Christians in this world. It is a fundamental principle among people that if you are to give anything for any good reason, then it needs to be given cheerfully. Too often…

  • Church Financing

    (2 Corinthians 8:13-24) How should the church be financed? What is the means by which the church should receive it’s funding? Even though we know that money is not a priority in the Lord, there is a basic financial need in the church for it to operate. We need to pay for premises, whether rented…

  • Giving NOT Tithing

    (1 Corinthians 16:1-4 – Giving NOT Tithing) In various places across this blog I have posted information about the financing of the Christian church. I know that many in the church these days tithe and give offerings because that is what they are taught by their ministers and pastors. And there is no doubt that…

  • Christian Giving

    (Acts 11:27-30 – Christian Giving) Throughout the development of the early Christian church the needs of the church were met by the giving of money or other things by the members of the church. All of the needs of those who had little or nothing were met by sharing from those who had an abundance.…

  • Christian Giving vs. Tithing

    (Acts 4:32-37 – Christian Giving vs. Tithing) The process of giving in the early Christian church was not like it was under the law of Judaism. In Jesus Christ the people had been set free from the confines of the Old Testament law, but this did not take place until the New Covenant came into…

  • Receiving God

    (John 13:19-20) We have a great responsibility as servants and representatives of the Lord. This scripture hints at this for when we represent Jesus we are also representing the Father to those to whom we speak. Given that, all aspects of what we both say and do need to be representative of the life that…

  • Giving For Jesus

    (John 12:1-8) There is an interesting story in the gospels of a woman who anoints Jesus feet with pure nard, a costly perfumed ointment. In this story there are several attitudes and matters that we can learn from which help us understand the heart of the Lord. It goes to the heart of what and…

  • Two Copper Coins

    (Luke 21:1-4) In many places we notice that Jesus saw things differently to those around him. He often took a different path than those around him because he saw things differently. Here in this section of scripture that speaks of people giving money into the treasury at the temple we see a perfect example of…

  • Do You Give Expecting to Get?

    Do you give expecting to get rather than learning to give expecting nothing in return?

  • The Lesson of the Widows Mites

    (Mark 12:41-44) Jesus sat in the temple opposite the treasury and watched the people giving gifts. Many rich people put in large sums, but there was a poor widow who contributed just two coins. These coins in total amounted to about one penny. Rather than consider this to be insignificant Jesus teaches us a valuable…

  • Anointing of Jesus

    (Matthew 26:6-13) There are a few principles we can learn from this section of scripture where we see the anointing of Jesus by this woman. We see here a woman came to Jesus while he was in the house of Simon the leper and anointed him with a flask of very expensive ointment. The disciples…