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Tag: freedom from sin

  • Jesus Came to Save, Not to Condemn

    (John 3:17-18) Quite often you hear people talk about how hard it is to be a Christian. They talk about all the rules and regulations and laws and how if you make a mistake you’ll be condemned to hellfire and brimstone. Unbelievers in particular talk about God as if he were ready to damn every…

  • Grace and Truth Came through Jesus Christ

    (John 1:14-18) The first chapter of John is packed with messages that go to the very core of the Christian message. This paragraph is no exception. Here we see the witness of John, who the Word is and what the basis of His message is and was for mankind. We see the very reason why…

  • The Resurrection of the Lord

    (Luke 24:1-12). The most fundamental teaching of the new covenant and the core principle of Christianity is the resurrection of the dead. Without the resurrection the rest of the christian covenant does not hold together. It is through the resurrection of Jesus that man receives release from his sins and the freedom from law so…

  • Rise and Walk

    (Luke 5:17-26) When Jesus was healing the paralytic let down through the roof he asked the Pharisees which was easier; to say “Rise and walk” or to say, “You sins are forgiven.” This is an interesting question and shows again both the power of God and how Jesus views the world in a different way…

  • The Great Commission Part 3

    (Matthew 28:16-20 – The Great Commission – Part 3) The third element of the Great Commission given by Jesus to his disciples was, “…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Verse 20) He told the disciples to teach the people what he had taught them. These are the teachings of the New…

  • The Great Commission Part 2

    (Matthew 28:16-20 – The Great Commission – Part 2) The second element of the Great Commission after telling the eleven to go and make disciples was, “…baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Verse 19) Some churches have either ignored this element of the Great…

  • Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

    (Matthew 12:1-8) At the end of chapter 11 we saw Jesus state that his “yoke was easy and his burden light.” (Matthew 11:30) Now we see him begin to teach things that have reduced that burden of the Old Covenant. Under the Old Covenant men were required to keep the Sabbath day holy. This was…