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Tag: freedom from law

  • Water Baptism

    (1 Corinthians 10:1-6 – Water Baptism) If we are to follow the Lord then we must do so according to the way He has defined. Jesus is the way, and we can only come to God through Jesus Christ. To do so, there are certain “rules” to understand if we are please God. All of…

  • All Things Are Lawful

    (1 Corinthians 6:12) The message contained in this single scripture is incredibly powerful. It drives powerfully to many of the problems we face today and used correctly forces us to think hard about many of the actions and decisions being taken by people in the world today. Look at the verse closely. 12 “All things…

  • Mystery of the New Covenant

    (Romans 11:25-27) The new covenant was a mystery to the Jews prior to the coming of Jesus Christ. There was much written about it in the law and prophets but it was not understood and revealed in its fullness until Christ came to fulfill the prophecies and to explain the new covenant. One of the…

  • Faith Is The Key

    (Romans 9:30-33) There is no other way to come to God and be accepted by Him except on the grounds of faith. That is the focus of these few scriptures at the end of Romans 9. In These few words we see the situation both in Jesus Christ and also before He came to the…

  • The Knowledge Of Sin

    (Romans 7:7-8) In previous posts I have looked at sin, freedom from sin and freedom from law. Here we see a further section of scriptures that look at the matter of the knowledge of sin. The understanding of the knowledge of sin is important for all Christians, even after they are set apart from the…

  • How Freedom From Law Works

    (Romans 7:2-4) In my last post we saw why it is necessary that we are set free from the law to negate and remove the power of sin so that God can help us to grow mature in Jesus Christ. In these next few verses of Romans 7 we see how this works and we…

  • The Law Ends At Death

    (Romans 7:1) The title of this post may seem to be blindingly obvious because who can possibly break the law after they have died? It’s impossible to even consider such a thing isn’t it? Absolutely! Once a person dies they can’t do anything, say anything, act or behave in any way at all. So how…

  • You Are NOT a Sinner

    (Romans 6:1-11) If there is one issue that Christians struggle with it is how they stand in relation to sin after coming to The Lord. I would like you to read the title of this post once again before I go on. Done that? Good! So let me repeat it…you are NOT a sinner. And…

  • The Reign of Grace

    (Romans 5:20-21) This section of scripture says the following and it presents a wonderful blessing to all who understand it.   20 Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading…

  • Why You Are Freed From Law

    (Romans 5:12-14) A few posts ago I wrote about the nature of sin in a post titled “What Is Sin.” In that post I looked at sin and identified that it is a very broad concept but at the root sin is the state of disobedience to and rejection of the will of God. In…

  • Christians And The Law

    (Romans 3:27-31) One of the most difficult aspects of Christianity for people to come to grips with is how they stand in relation to the laws given by Moses. Part of the reason for this confusion is contained in this scripture which says in verse 31: Do we then overthrow the law by this faith?…

  • It Is Not the Hearers of The Law Who Are Righteous

    (Romans 2:12-16) If there is one thing that defines what civilisation is, it is the rule and structure of law. The establishment of a society based upon a set of agreed and accepted laws is what enabled societies to build, grow and prosper. And even today the rule of law is seen to be a…