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Tag: Following Jesus

  • Receiving the Glory of Jesus

    What was it about Jesus that caused Him to be so loved by God and man? What were the things that led to Him receiving the highest praise and glory from men and angels? Jesus came to teach mankind the path to the Father and to His eternal kingdom. In these few scriptures today we…

  • Imitate Christ

    (1 Corinthians 4:14-20) In this section of scripture we see Paul telling the people to imitate him. Now you may think that to be an imitation is to be a fake, as often we see imitations of products made on the cheap and that are not very good quality. But that is not the meaning…

  • Follow Me

    (John 21:20-23) The last two words of verse 19 in this chapter of John were “Follow me.” These two words are repeated by Jesus in many places throughout the New Testament and we see in this section just how focused and how important it is that we heed these two words of Jesus Christ. These…

  • Serving Jesus

    (John 12:25-26) How do we go about serving Jesus? What are the steps, behaviours and actions that represent serving Jesus? I am sure that you can think of many of the things you can and should do to be serving Jesus, but Jesus himself gave us an interesting insight into this matter in these scriptures.…

  • Seek the Lord and Never, Ever Give Up

    (Mark 10:46-52) Bartimaeus was a man blind from birth. He eked out his existence through begging on the streets. The outlook for his life was poor. He was rejected by people, as we will see, and had little to look forward to. But he had one thing that shone out, faith. His faith was great…

  • Conditions to Receive Eternal Life

    (Mark 10:17-22) What must you do to have eternal life? This is an interesting question. I am sure it has gone through the minds of all mankind at some time for death is the one inevitable part of life that no man can escape. Some people have made a business of eternal life. There are…

  • Call of the First Disciples

    (Mark 1:16-20) After Jesus had returned from his forty days in the wilderness he commenced his ministry. While walking by the Sea of Galilee he saw fishermen, including Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John. To them he said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Verse 17) They would certainly have been…

  • The Baptism of Jesus

    (Mark 1:9-11) The baptism of Jesus was a significant event. It marked the beginning of his ministry as it was from that point on that he began to preach the good news of the gospel. But there are other significant matters pertaining to the baptism of Jesus that we need to understand as well. John…

  • Whoever Loses His Life for My Sake Will Find It

    (Matthew 16:24-28) What does Jesus mean by saying whoever loses his life for my sake will find it? Is he talking about dying for the sake of Jesus? And what about where he says whoever would save his life will lose it? How does this work? In simple terms when Jesus says whoever loses his…