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Tag: Feeding the Five Thousand

  • Feeding the Multitude

    (Luke 9:10-17) OK, Jesus created matter from nothing! I’m not going to get into the science of this, (because I don’t have a clue how he did it), but it is evident from this section of scripture that Jesus did exactly this. For hundreds of years alchemists have tried to transform matter such as base…

  • Feeding the Four Thousand

    (Mark 8:1-10) Does Jesus ever leave his people lacking in anything? Will he provide for their needs? Absolutely! Every time. There is nothing that he cannot and will not do for his people. People will generally care for those that they love, whether that is their family, friends, husbands, wives or children. They will do…

  • Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

    (Mark 6:33-44) For how many centuries have men tried to create or transform matter? Alchemists in the middle and dark ages attempted to turn base metals into gold…unsuccessfully. This has proven impossible for man, but consider the case of Jesus who took just five loaves and two fish and created a feast to satisfy five…