Tag: False teachers
Tithing in the Modern Church
(Hebrews 7:1-10 – Tithing in the Modern Church) There is a major problem in the modern church with the practice of tithing. And the majority of the church has no idea that it is even a problem! Part of the problem has to do with the interpretation of this scripture where Abraham paid tithes to…
High Priests of God
(Hebrews 5:1-4 – High Priests of God) It is an interesting subject to look at the high priests of God, and especially in this section that talks about how they are appointed. The analogies for the priesthood and the high priests of God really haven’t changed. Under both Christianity and Judaism, there are similarities. One…
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
(Hebrews 1:5-14 – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit) One of the great mysteries of the Bible is to understand who the Holy Spirit is. But in this section of Hebrews chapter 1, we learn a lot regarding who the Holy Spirit is from the ministry of the Holy Spirit and ministering angels. If you…
What is Sound Doctrine?
What is sound doctrine and where will you find it? In the church today there are many false doctrines, but sound doctrine can be found still.
Seek the Truth
Seek the truth. It is the only path to life. The truth is in Jesus Christ alone. And do not allow generalisations to cloud your thinking.
Christianity For Profit
Christianity for profit is not a new phenomenon. It existed in Paul’s day, but is much worse today as preachers teach falsely in Christ’s name.
A Defective Church
A defective church is defined as one without an Eldership in these verses and when there is no Eldership in the church, many problems arise.
The truth which accords with Godliness
The only place you can find the truth which accords with godliness is by following the teachings of Jesus Christ. Read on to find out more…
Itching Ears and Straying from the Truth
Many people have itching ears to hear the latest news about something. But are they seeking the truth or just what pleases them?
Beware the False Teachers
Throughout the Bible we are warned to beware the false teachers. They are not on the side of God but have come only to destroy the church.
The Problem with Conspiracy Theories
The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are based on lies and are designed to lead people away from truth, into speculation and fear
Rightly Handling the Word of Truth
Rightly handling the word of truth is key for all who minister God’s words. But too many teach false doctrines and don’t even realise it.