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Tag: Anxiety

  • The peace of God that surpasses all understanding

    The peace of God that surpasses all understanding is a concept that has captured the hearts and minds of many people. Here we try to unravel this mystery to learn how we can have the peace of God in our lives.

  • No Anxiety

    (1 Corinthians 7:32-35) As Christians we have been called to have peace. We are being trained by the Lord through the working of the Holy Spirit to be able to find peace and to hold onto it. The ways of the Lord lead to peace when we apply His teachings in our lives. When we…

  • Prevention Is Better Than Cure

    (1 Corinthians 7:25-31) This is an interesting section of scripture for although Paul spends a significant amount of time in this whole chapter speaking about issues of marriage and those who are married or seeking to be married, in this section of scripture he is teaching a principle that extends to all parts of our…

  • The Peace of Christ

    (John 14:25-27) Peace! In this world just the very word is like water to a thirsty man. But there is a peace that is greater than anything in this world. The peace of God which passes all understanding, as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:7. And the peace of Christ is not like the peace we…

  • The Blame Game

    (John 9:1-5) There is a sickness in this world today that I call the blame game. No one is prepared to take responsibility. From politicians to the workplace, from supposed leaders to the person in the street, everyone seems to be looking for someone else to blame for the situations they find themselves in. What…

  • Was Jesus the First to say “Don’t Worry, Be Happy?”

    (Luke 12:22-31) How many times have you heard the expression, “Don’t worry, be happy?” There have been songs singing about it and it has appeared on Tee shirts, bumper stickers and so. It’s easy to say and just rolls off the tongue. But who was the first to say it? I don’t really know, but…

  • Seek First the Kingdom of God and other teachings

    (Matthew Chapter 6, Verses 16-34) Jesus continues his teachings about not doing things to be seen by men in verses 16-17 saying when you fast you should not look dismal, but rather go about your business as if all were normal. Let us look for a moment at the scriptural significance of fasting as it…