Free Gift From God

Christians are at war in the Spirit, but to fight this they need to be prepared and ready. This FREE spiritual warfare training program dives deep into how to wage this war and win. Join the SPIRITUAL WARFARE TRAINING PROGRAM here.

  • Is it Lawful to do Good or Harm on a Sabbath?

    (Luke 6:6-11) You would think that the answer to the question posed by the title of this post is a no-brainer. Consider the Pharisees and scribes who were always following Jesus and who knew the law and try to understand their position. They saw themselves as the keepers of the law and the guardians of…

  • Jesus Is Lord Of The Sabbath

    (Luke 6:1-5) One of the great challenges for the church today is understanding how and where the law fits within the context of the New Covenant. Here in this section is a classic example in relation to the keeping of the Sabbath day. One of the Ten Commandments was that the seventh day of the…

  • New Wine and Old Wineskins

    (Luke 5:33-39) This section begins with a discussion about fasting, which I have covered previously elsewhere. The second part of the scripture then looks at the parable of putting new wine into old wineskins and the potential damage that can cause. We often here about people who are set in their ways. There are sayings…

  • Eating With Sinners

    (Luke 5:27-32) Jesus often went in to the houses of those the Pharisees considered sinners, especially tax collectors. The Pharisees grumbled as to why Jesus was eating with sinners. In this section of the gospel of Luke we see him again entering into the house of a tax collector and eating with sinners, and there…

  • Rise and Walk

    (Luke 5:17-26) When Jesus was healing the paralytic let down through the roof he asked the Pharisees which was easier; to say “Rise and walk” or to say, “You sins are forgiven.” This is an interesting question and shows again both the power of God and how Jesus views the world in a different way…

  • Cleansing the Leper

    (Luke 5:12-16) It is important for us to understand the will of the Lord and to believe in it. The power of the will of God is mighty indeed and it is to our benefit when we know his will, understand it and believe. Here in these few scriptures we see a prime example of…

  • From Fishermen to Fishers of Men

    (Luke 5:1-11) How do you turn a person’s life upside down so that they turn away from all they have and follow a different path? This is what Jesus did with the early disciples and it is here we see the classic line where he said he would make them fisher’s of men. Simon Peter,…

  • Spreading the Gospel

    (Luke 4:42-44) Jesus quite often went into the wilderness and desolate places. It was perhaps the only time he could get a moment of space to pray and speak to God. In this section of scripture he goes into a desolate place but is followed by the people who would have kept him from departing…

  • Jesus Heals the Sick

    (Luke 4:38-41) In many places through the gospels, Jesus heals the sick and casts out demons. This was a significant part of the message of Jesus and also part of the work of the Apostles when they commenced their ministry. In fact when Jesus first sent them out in pairs it was to preach the…

  • Casting Out Demons

    (Luke 4:31-37) It was evident that the demons knew who Jesus was. In this section of scripture we see a man possessed by a demon and the demon crying out to Jesus, “Ah! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the…

  • Rejected at Nazareth

    (Luke 4:22-30) Amongst the ministry that Jesus spread for place to place the reaction from his own home town was interesting and revealing. Jesus grew up in Nazareth and was well known to the people there. If anyone would have known him to be a good man it should have been the residents of his…

  • Freedom and Liberty

    (Luke 4:14-21) Here we see the beginning of Jesus ministry where he speaks of the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah. The prophecy said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and…