Christians are at war in the Spirit, but to fight this they need to be prepared and ready. This FREE spiritual warfare training program dives deep into how to wage this war and win. Join the SPIRITUAL WARFARE TRAINING PROGRAM here.

  • Fight the Good Fight of the Faith

    As Christians we must fight the good fight of the faith. We do this through listening to the truth as taught by Jesus Christ in the Bible.

  • Aim for godliness in your life

    Aim for godliness in your life as it promises vastly much more than aiming for the temporary and transient things of this world.

  • The Love of Money is the Root of All Evils

    The love of money is the root of all evils. At it’s heart is greed and it leads many astray. The prosperity gospel in the church is a classic example of this evil.

  • Are you content with your life?

    Are you content with your life? The world is always striving for bigger and better, sowing seeds of discontent. But in Christ you will find contentment with godliness.

  • Are you in agreement with the words of Jesus?

    Are you in agreement with the words of Jesus? If you want to enter God’s kingdom you must be. Take the test in this article and see where you si

  • Honouring God by how you live your life

    Honouring God by how you live your life shows respect for both God and those around you. Your behaviour will give you a good or bad name.

  • You Cannot Hide Anything From God

    You cannot hide anything from God for He is everywhere and He sees and knows all things. So, do good and receive His blessing. But if you do evil, it will be found out.

  • How to make Wise Choices

    How to make wise choices is a critical skill that cannot be learned unless you put the ways and the will of God first.

  • Keep yourself pure

    If you would wish to see God you must keep yourself pure. Today we consider how this might be achieved.

  • Show no Partiality to Anyone

    If an Elder or leader in the church persists in sin, they are to be disciplined. We are to show no partiality to anyone

  • Honouring the Leaders in the Church

    Honouring leaders in the church both financially and for the work they do in the service of the Lord is a good thing to do. But leaders should not expect more than they deserve.

  • Understanding who the Church should support

    Even though the church does not have to support widows and orphans today, understanding who the Church should support is still important.