Category: Titus 2

  • Saved by the Grace of God

    There is nothing you can do for it and nothing you can pay for it. Salvation is by faith alone and you have been saved by the Grace of God.

  • Be an Example to the World

    As Christians we need to be an example to the world. They will see that we are different and wonder what it is. When that happens, tell them!

  • A Role Model for Jesus

    When we are a role model for Jesus, we cannot be hidden. We stand out and people want to know what is different about us.

  • How to live as Christians

    The scriptures today give us a great insight into how to live as Christians. We learn by example and imitating the true words of Jesus Christ

  • What is Sound Doctrine?

    What is sound doctrine and where will you find it? In the church today there are many false doctrines, but sound doctrine can be found still.