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Category: Romans 4

  • Essence of the New Covenant

    (Romans 4:22-25) If ever there were just a few verses that summed up the essence of the new covenant and how both it works and what we are to believe and accept in Jesus Christ, these are those few verses. The new covenant is deliberately simple to grasp and take hold of. It had to…

  • Faith Like Abraham

    (Romans 4:16-21) When it comes to the old prophets, teachers and patriarchs of the bible, Abraham stands out as being THE man of the faith. All of us today along with those spoken of in bible times and everyone in between look to Abraham as our father, either as a direct descendant in the case…

  • Where There Is No Law

    (Romans 4:13-15) Here is an interesting question worth considering, because it goes to the heart of what the New Covenant is all about. Do you need the law? Man reveres law because they seek order and structure. We see this reverence for law in the way that the law and lawyers are depicted in books,…

  • God’s Promise To Everyone

    (Romans 4:6-12) When God originally chose a people to be his own special people He made a distinction and selected the people of Israel. He took these people as His own and He blessed them mightily so that they had a standard of living that was far greater than any of the other nations. But…

  • Free Gift From God

    (Romans 4:1-5) There is a chorus we sing in church on a regular basis which goes like this: For from Him and to Him and through Him are all things… The chorus was written around the words in Romans 11:36, but if ever a piece of scripture bore out those words it is this section…