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Category: Romans 13

  • Walking Properly With Christ

    (Romans 13:12-14) One of the first principles of coming to Jesus Christ is the principle of repentance. Repentance relates to changing your life by turning around and away from the things of this world to the things of the spirit. The word “repentance” is translated from the Greek word “metanoia” which literally means to change…

  • Salvation Is Near

    (Romans 13:11) The primary reason people come to Jesus Christ is that they recognize the fruitless ness and worthlessness of their life on earth through sin, and are seeking salvation. Jesus Christ is the Saviour and He is the way we must find salvation for salvation comes from God alone, through Jesus Christ. But there…

  • Love: The Great Commandment

    (Romans 13:8-10) What is the ultimate expression of the faith and beliefs of a Christian? Is it good works? Is it giving a helping hand when needed? Is it showing our faith is real through the things we do, our behaviours and where we stand when the going gets tough? Well, all of these things…

  • Paying Taxes

    (Romans 13:6-7) Let's face it, everybody hates paying taxes! Most people complain bitterly about the amount of taxes they have to pay and there are whole industries devoted to helping people find ways to legitimately reduce the amount of tax they pay. There are also plenty of people who illegally evade taxes too, which is…

  • Governing Authorities

    (Romans 13:1-5) So often today it seems that as soon as an elected government comes to power they are immediately lionized as being the worst government ever or being the source and reason for all the ills and evils that exist in that country. This is especially noticeable on social media. The rants against governments…