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Category: Matthew

  • Crumbs from the Master’s Table – The Canaanite Woman’s Faith

    (Matthew 15:21-28) The teaching about the Canaanite woman’s faith, sometimes referred to as feeding on crumbs from the master’s table, is an unusual one. Some people argue that the Lord was being cold or unkind in his treatment of the Canaanite woman in this teaching. However that is not the case. This woman was following…

  • What Comes Out Defiles a Man

    (Matthew 15:10-20) Jesus gave this parable about what comes out of a man and eating with unwashed hands after upbraiding the Pharisees and scribes about upholding traditions. He was concerned about matters of the spirit and not physical issues. Eating with unwashed hands was about a physical issue, but it is what comes out of…

  • Traditions of Men Versus the Word of God

    (Matthew 15:1-9) The scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus asking why the disciples did not observe the tradition of the elders regarding the washing of their hands before eating. Jesus used the opportunity to teach about the traditions of men versus the word of god. The scribes and Pharisees had many traditions of men, many…

  • The Hem of His Garment

    (Matthew 14:34-36) After Jesus had walked on the water with Peter and calmed the seas, they came to the other shore to land at Gennes’arat. On arriving the local people recognised Jesus and sent word to all in the region. People came from all around for healing and to merely touch the hem of his…

  • Walking on Water with Jesus

    (Matthew 14:22-33) After Jesus fed the five thousand we see the teaching where Peter came walking on water with Jesus. This teaching about walking on water with Jesus holds many good lessons. There are elements of faith, doubt, trust, comfort, power and authority contained in the lesson on walking on water with Jesus. To begin…

  • Fishes and Loaves Bible Story

    Like all of Jesus’ miracles, there are deeper meanings to the fishes and loaves bible story than just the miracle of feeding the five thousand.

  • Beheading of John the Baptist

    (Matthew 14:1-12) At the beginning of this chapter we see the circumstances that led to the beheading of John the Baptist. There are a few interesting point and lessons to be learned from this event, both historically and spiritually. The beheading of John the Baptist unfolded in the following manner. First we see that John…

  • A Prophet is Without Honour

    (Matthew 13:53-58) There are three valuable lessons in this last section of Matthew 13, culminating with the teaching that a prophet is without honour in his own country and house. In this part we see him finish his parable teachings and returning to his own home country. Firstly though we see an insight into Jesus…

  • Treasures New and Old

    (Matthew 13:51-52) This section concludes the parable teachings that Jesus gave to his disciples at this time. He also provides a valuable lesson here on the methods by which they were to pass on this information. He describes here how they are trained and were to train others. To understand some of this it was…

  • The Good the Bad and the Ugly

    (Matthew 13:47-50) This parable of the kingdom is about the end of the time when Jesus comes to judge the world. We saw earlier that he will allow the weeds to grow with the wheat and they will be separated at the end of the days. This parable is saying much the same. The net…

  • Parable of the Merchant Seeking Pearls

    (Matthew 13:45-46) This parable is similar to the previous one where a man finds a great treasure in a field and covers it until he can buy the field. However a few nuances make this parable slightly different. In that previous parable (verse 44) the man discovers a treasure hidden in the filed. He didn’t…

  • Hidden Treasure Parable

    (Matthew 13:44) What would you do if you found a hidden treasure in a field? Let’s say you found gold nuggets or diamonds. Would you go and tell everyone about it? Would you tell people where you found it? Not likely. The hidden treasure parable is saying the same thing. The hidden treasure parable tells…