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Category: Matthew 26

  • Jesus and Barabbas

    (Matthew 27:15-26) Jesus stood before the governor Pilate for judgement. Pilate could find nothing wrong by which to judge him in spite of the fierce accusations made by the chief priests. So Pilate wishing to release Jesus offered to set him free, as his custom was to release one prisoner at the Passover feast. So…

  • Peter Denies Jesus

    (Matthew 26:69-75) Of all the twelve disciples chosen by the Lord to follow him, Peter was the one he selected to take the gospel to the people after his death. But we see in Peter also all of the failures and weaknesses that man suffers. For despite having followed Jesus for the previous three years…

  • The Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas

    (Matthew 26:57-68) The trial of Jesus before Caiaphas could only be described as a kangaroo court. They had already pronounced judgement before he was brought to trial. All they needed was for someone to provide a reason for taking their drastic action and give them reason to put the Lord to death. However this was…

  • Jesus is Betrayed

    (Matthew 26:47-56) After Jesus had finished praying in the garden at Gethsemane he was betrayed into the hands of the authorities. Judas came with a crowd who were armed to the teeth with swords and clubs to seize him. The sign Judas gave that was to betray Jesus was that he would kiss him. The…

  • Jesus Prays in the Garden at Gethsemane

    (Matthew 26:36-46) After the Last Supper we see Jesus take the disciples and go to the garden at Gethsemane. What we see when Jesus prays in the garden at Gethsemane is that these are the last few hours before his betrayal. He spends this time knowing that his betrayer approaches and that he will be delivered into…

  • The Disciples Will Fall Away

    (Matthew 26:30-35) After the last supper Jesus and the disciples went out to the Mount of Olives. In keeping with his desire that there be no surprises, Jesus told the disciples they would all fall away from him that very night. This was to fulfil the prophecy of Zechariah, which said, “I will strike the…

  • Breaking of Bread in Communion

    (Matthew 26:26-29 – Breaking of Bread in Communion) There are very few ordinances required under the New Covenant. Baptism, laying on of hands, anointing with oil and the breaking of bread in communion are about all that are established in the New Covenant. Each of these is important, and especially the breaking of bread in…

  • The Last Supper

    (Matthew 26:17-25) The last supper when Jesus took the final Passover feast was an important point for Christians. It was here that he taught us a valuable lesson to remember t during the last supper we also see that he knew he would be betrayed by one of the twelve and it was here that…

  • Judas Betrays Jesus

    (Matthew 26:14-16) The chief priests could find no way to accuse Jesus and arrest him. Their opportunity came when Judas offered to betray the Lord into their hands. In this section Judas betrays Jesus, which was prophesied and was done to fulfil prophecy as another proof that Jesus was the Messiah and Christ. It was…

  • Anointing of Jesus

    (Matthew 26:6-13) There are a few principles we can learn from this section of scripture where we see the anointing of Jesus by this woman. We see here a woman came to Jesus while he was in the house of Simon the leper and anointed him with a flask of very expensive ointment. The disciples…

  • Conspiracy Against Jesus

    (Matthew 26:1-5) In the first section of this chapter we see two different points of view regarding the conspiracy against Jesus. Jesus was aware that his time had come to leave the earth. It was now fast approaching when he would be betrayed into the hands of the chief priests and would be condemned to…