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Category: Mark

  • Growth in the Kingdom of God

    (Mark 4:26-29) Jesus tells us in this section what growth in the kingdom of God is like. He says it is like someone sowing a seed which then germinates, sprouts and grows until it reaches matureity and is harvested. How this occurs nobody knows for the process of growth and life of a seed or…

  • Shine Your Light Before You

     (Mark 4:21-25) Jesus made the point to his disciples saying, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed and not on a stand?” (Mark 4:21) His point here is that you should shine your light before you. People should be able to see from your speech and behaviour…

  • Understand the Parable of the Sower

    Understanding the parable of the sower is important for it shows the path of many who hear the word of God. Not everyone who hears the word will listen, take it to heart and allow the word to make a difference in their life. Let us look at the categories the Lord has given us…

  • A Sower Went Out To Sow

    (Mark 4:1-9) A large crowd had gathered around Jesus by the sea and he began to teach them. He taught them about the parable of the sower beginning with the words, “A sower went out to sow…” This is an interesting parable in many ways and there is much we can learn about people and…

  • Family of God

    (Mark 3:31-35) Who are the family of God? Who are those that the Lord sees as his own family? In this section of Mark Jesus tells us who his real family is and for us we gain understanding as to how we can become part of the family of God. There are two important things…

  • The Unpardonable Sin

    (Mark 3:22-30) The Pharisees seeing Jesus cast out demons said that he was doing this by the power of the devil. Jesus used this as an opportunity to teach the people the truth of where his power came from. Jesus asked the Pharisees, “How can Satan cast out Satan?” He also said to them that…

  • Jesus Teaches the People

    (Mark 3:20-21) On his return home Jesus was so swamped by people as he taught that he could not even eat. People were saying he is beside himself, which today tends to mean that a person is in an emotional state that they are not able to control themselves. Different translations of the Bible have…

  • Call of the Twelve

    (Mark 3:7-19) Jesus fame had spread to all corners of the land. The people from many regions followed him for they had heard and seen the many things he did. He healed many people and cast out many demons all of which cried out recognising him as being the Son of God. He strictly ordered…

  • Healing on the Sabbath

    (Mark 3:1-6) Jesus continued to show the inflexibility of the Pharisees, especially over matters of their poor interpretation of the law. The Pharisees took an extreme legalistic approach to the law which left no room for compassion. They said that no work was to be done on the Sabbath as the law stated, but took…

  • Lord of the Sabbath

    (Mark 2:23-28) One of the laws under the Old Covenant was the keeping of the Sabbath. On the Sabbath no person in Israel was permitted to work including the preparation of food. It was meant to be a day of rest and a time for the worship of God. In addition no beast of the…

  • Old and New Wineskins

    (Mark 2:18-22) In this section of scripture the people approach Jesus over fasting. The disciples of John the Baptist and the Pharisees promoted fasting, but Jesus disciples were not fasting. I have already covered the issue of fasting in an earlier post, which you can read here. So in this post I will focus on…

  • Jesus Came to Call the Sinners

    (Mark 2:13-17) Jesus came to call the sinners and not the righteous. When he called Levi the tax collector in this section of Mark we see he went to his house and ate with the sinners and tax collectors. The scribes at that time looked down on Jesus for being with these people they thought…