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Category: Mark

  • The Power of Jesus to Heal

    (Mark 6:53-56) Jesus returned across the sea to the region of Gennes’arat. As soon as the people recognised him they ran about the neighbourhood and brought all of their sick to him for healing. They laid the sick in the market places and besought that they might just touch the fringe of his garment and…

  • Walking On Water

    (Mark 6:45-52) After Jesus had fed the five thousand he dismissed the crowds and sent the disciples to cross the sea in the boat while he went up alone on the mountain to pray. When evening had come the boat was out at sea but was doing it hard. There was a strong wind against…

  • Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

    (Mark 6:33-44) For how many centuries have men tried to create or transform matter? Alchemists in the middle and dark ages attempted to turn base metals into gold…unsuccessfully. This has proven impossible for man, but consider the case of Jesus who took just five loaves and two fish and created a feast to satisfy five…

  • Jesus Takes the Disciples to Rest

    (Mark 6:30-32) Jesus had recently sent the disciples out to commence preaching the word of God, healing the sick and casting out demons among the people in the surrounding villages. On their return they were telling him of all the things they had done and taught. But they were rushed and harried as the people…

  • John the Baptist Beheaded

    (Mark 6:14-29) Herod imprisoned John the Baptist. His wife had a grudge against John and had him beheaded when an opportunity arose. I have covered this previously at this link (freegiftfromgod.com/2011/01/beheading-of-john-the-baptist/) so will look at a different aspect of John the Baptist’s life this time. The life and times of John the Baptist was a…

  • Jesus Sends Out The Twelve

    (Mark 6:7-13) As Jesus went among the villages teaching he began to give more ministry responsibility to the twelve disciples. When Jesus sends out the twelve he gives them some quite specific instructions. They were to have the authority to cast out demons and to anoint the sick with oil for healing. These signs were…

  • Prophet Without Honour

    (Mark 6:1-6) After a period of time Jesus came back to the country and towns where he had grown up. He taught them in the synagogues and the the people were amazed at him. But their amazement was not becuse of his message, but because they had known him from childhood and did not understand…

  • Not Dead, Only Sleeping

    (Mark 5:35-43) While Jesus was coming to the house of Jairus to heal his daughter, messengers came to tell them not to bother for the girl had died. This must have been dreadful news to Jairus for he was out on a limb coming to Jesus in the first place. Jairus was a ruler in…

  • If I Touch the Hem of His Garment

    (Mark 5:21-34) Jesus had been implored by Jairus, a ruler in the synagogue, to come to his house and heal his sick daughter who was at the point of death. While making this journey an amazing event occurred which shows the power of faith and the perception of the Lord. A great crowd was following…

  • Jesus Casts Out The Legion

    (Mark 5:1-20) When Jesus came to the region of the Gerasenes he encountered a man possessed by demons. The man was what we would consider today to be mentally ill and was violently psychotic. But the demons recognised Jesus and said to him, What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most…

  • Jesus Calms the Storm

    (Mark 4:33-41) When he had finished preaching to a group of people Jesus said to the disciples that they should get into boats and cross to the other side of the sea. While doing so they were caught up in a great storm of wind and the waves beat against the boat so that it…

  • Kingdom of God is like a Mustard Seed

    (Mark 4:30-32) Jesus asked the people what can we compare the kingdom of God to. He said the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed for it starts out small but grows into a great shrub or tree that the birds of the air can nest in. This imagery is interesting and the parable…