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Category: Mark

  • The Christian Value Proposition

    (Mark 8:34-38) Yesterday I wrote about what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his life. Overnight I felt there was more that needed to be said, especially in relation to the second question Jesus posed. He said, “What can a man give in return for his life?” (Verse…

  • What Does It Profit to Gain the World and Forfeit Your Life?

    (Mark 8:34-38) What does it profit to gain the whole world and lose your life? This question was posed by Jesus to his disciples and the people along with another. What can a man give in return for his life? Too often today we see people make the wrong decisions and forfeit their life for…

  • Get Behind Me Satan

    (Mark 8:31-33) Satan is the great deceiver of mankind. He is subtle and cunning like a fox. His desire is to destroy mankind and especially those who seek the Lord. Here we see the battle lines drawn up. Christians on the side of God but Satan on the side of men. There is a good…

  • Who Is Jesus?

    (Mark 8:27-30) Who is Jesus? Many have asked that question and many give different answers. Jesus put the question to his disciples in this section of scripture and the answer is quite telling. Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” (Verse 27) The disciples responded that many thought Jesus to be…

  • Healing the Blind Man

    (Mark 8:22-26) How clearly do we see the things around us? How well do we perceive what it is that we see? Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind, and not just the physically blind, but the spiritually blind too. When we look at the miracles he did it is worth considering how…

  • Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees

    (Mark 8:14-21) When Jesus gives us a warning we should listen. When he warned the disciples to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, they misunderstood. Thinking Jesus was talking about bread, they began discussing the fact that they had brought none with them. Jesus then pulled them up to get their thinking right.…

  • Jews Seek A Sign

    (Mark 8:11-13) The Pharisees came to Jesus seeking a sign from him to test him. They wanted proof that he was the Son of God, the Messiah who was to come, but they did not believe and would not believe even if he gave them that sign they sought. Jesus had already done many signs…

  • Feeding the Four Thousand

    (Mark 8:1-10) Does Jesus ever leave his people lacking in anything? Will he provide for their needs? Absolutely! Every time. There is nothing that he cannot and will not do for his people. People will generally care for those that they love, whether that is their family, friends, husbands, wives or children. They will do…

  • The Deaf Shall Hear

    (Mark 7:31-37) Why did Jesus come to the earth? What was the purpose of the appearing of the Son of God on this earth for mankind? Well there were a number of reasons for his appearing, the main one of which was to give man salvation through his death and resurrection and the introduction of…

  • Crumbs from the Masters Table

    (Mark 7:24-30) Is the gospel only for a few? Should the church be a closed or secret society? Is there discrimination in the churches so that some people get the word and others don’t? If you read this section of scripture in isolation you could be led astray to think such things, but it is…

  • What Defiles a Man

    (Mark 7:14-23) What is the key to living a life of truth and purity in Christ? Is it following the traditions of the church? No. Jesus in this section showed that purity in Christianity was not an outward thing but a matter of the heart. Jesus had just upbraided the Pharisees for following their traditions…

  • Traditions of the Elders

    (Mark 7:1-13 – Traditions of the Elders) The Pharisees had established a great many traditions which they taught the people to observe. It had the effect of making them appear somehow more pious or righteous than the common man. But we see that Jesus upbraided them over their traditions for they revered their traditions more…