Category: Luke
It’s Always Right to Do the Right Thing
(Luke 13:10-17) How many times have you seen or heard of people who overlook and pass by someone who is suffering? Think about the Good Samaritan and the first two, who were religious people, and passed the injured man on the other side of the road. Then there are times when people are hurt, injured,…
Once Saved Always Saved?
(Luke 13:6-9) Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could be saved once and then know with confidence that you never had to do anything more? You could just sit back, relax and know that you are OK with God. Even if you did the wrong thing, you would still be OK and receive the salvation…
World Class Protection at No Cost
(Luke 13:1-5) Sound too good to be true? If this was a website that was selling security and you saw a claim like that you would probably be thinking, “Yeah, right!” But you know there is a level of protection available that is even better than “world class” protection and security. And in this day…
Do You Know How to Set Your Moral GPS?
(Luke 12:57-59) For years we have heard about there needing to be a moral compass in people’s lives. Well I guess in this high tech age we live in, we need to update that and set a “Moral GPS.” Most people know what a GPS is (or a compass) as it helps to guide and…
What the Signs of the Times are Telling You
(Luke 12:54-56) There have been a number of shows on TV recently which people find remarkable for they have to do with people’s ability to use their powers of observation. For example shows like The Mentalist, Lie to Me and Sherlock Holmes are all about the ability of the key players to observe certain signs…
Peace on Earth?
(Luke 12:51-53) At this time of the year we hear people saying, “Peace on earth” for this is part of the Christmas message. When Jesus was born, which by the way could not have been on 25th December…but that’s a discussion for another day, the angels appeared to shepherds saying, “Glory to God in the…
Are we there yet?
(Luke 12:49-50) Ever been on a drive with small children and had to listen to the continual chorus from the back seat of, “Are we there yet?” Small kids don’t have the patience to sit for long periods of time on a trip. They just want to get there and get into the fun part…
Have You Been Hurt by the Church?
(Luke 12:41-48) Many have. This is a serious issue for the church because the church is meant to be a place of sanctuary. It is supposed to be a place where people can come to find peace, rest and joy in the praise and worship of the Lord God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. But…
When is the Second Coming of Christ?
(Luke 12:35-40) From time to time there are people who make predictions about the date when Jesus will return. It would be good if they were right because then everyone would be ready for him to come. We could all stand in the street and await his arrival in wonder. Well, I believe I know…
Who are the Little Flock?
(Luke 12:32-34) Did you know that there are two flocks that follow Jesus? At least there are or will be until all is accomplished and the two are combined into one flock. Jesus talks about a little flock in this section of scripture saying, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure…
Was Jesus the First to say “Don’t Worry, Be Happy?”
(Luke 12:22-31) How many times have you heard the expression, “Don’t worry, be happy?” There have been songs singing about it and it has appeared on Tee shirts, bumper stickers and so. It’s easy to say and just rolls off the tongue. But who was the first to say it? I don’t really know, but…
Why the Buck Doesn’t Stop Here
(Luke 12:13-21) Most people would look at this title and wonder what the heck is going on. It is a common saying that “The Buck Stops Here” which was popularised by President Harry Truman who meant it to mean that ultimately he took responsibility for most things. Some have “bent” its meaning over the years…