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Category: Luke

  • Peter Denies Knowing Jesus

    (Luke 22:54-62) This must have been one of the hardest times for both Jesus and Peter in their time together. Even though the Lord knew this would happen and had told Peter it would occur, it still would have been difficult for both of them. But what it does show is both the resilience of…

  • Betrayed With A Kiss

    (Luke 22:47-53) Here we see the betrayal of Jesus when Judas led a crowd against Him and betrayed him with a kiss. Jesus was in the garden at Gethsemane waiting for them to come for he knew the hour of His betrayal was at hand. He had just been praying that he would not be…

  • Remove This Cup From Me

    (Luke 22:39-46) This section of scripture contains what I believe is one of the most misunderstood or badly translated parts of the Bible. The translators have done the best they can, and I am no expert in translation, but there is something wrong with this piece of scripture in the translation from the Greek to…

  • The Lord Provides

    (Luke 22:35-38) As Christians we are taught to rely on the Lord for everything, and that is the right thing to do. In many places we are told to trust the Lord to deliver us, and to lay all of our anxieties on him for He cares about us. We are told to come to…

  • Before the Cock Crows

    (Luke 22:28-34) Many times in the Bible we see Simon Peter’s weaknesses exposed. He was upbraided by the Lord on occasion, and he was also upbraided by the Apostle Paul when he drew back from mixing with the Gentiles. Peter made mistakes and he showed his humanity in many ways. In this section of scripture…

  • Jesus is the Servant Leader: A better way to lead

    We often hear references made to the concept of the servant leader. Jesus shows us just exactly what that concept really means, and more.

  • The Last Supper

    (Luke 22:7-23) Jesus greatly desired to eat this last supper with his disciples, for he says in this scripture, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I tell you I shall not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” (Verses 15-16) It was…

  • Contract of Betrayal

    (Luke 22:1-6) The scribes and Pharisees were seeking an opportunity to condemn Jesus and put him to death, but they found none. They wanted to arrest him but were unable as they could not lay hands on him for fear of the people. They were afraid that during the days as Jesus preached in the…

  • The Good Life?

    (Luke 21:34-38) Sometimes when I read the scriptures there will be one word that just seems to jump out at me. Usually it offers a deeper layer of insight or illumination that I had not previously had. I had that experience a couple of days ago while reading this section of the Bible. I read…

  • Look at the Fig Tree

    (Luke 21:29-33) As Jesus has just been discussing the signs of the times and the signs that will precede the second coming, he gives his people a message and warning saying to “Look at the fig tree.” This is an important point and one that we need to heed so that we are not swept…

  • The Heavens Will Be Shaken

    As we study the Bible, every now and then the Holy Spirit opens something up and a verse or a word seems to jump out as never before. So many times it can be a passage that we have read many, many times, but we see it afresh with new eyes. This happened to me…

  • The Time of the Gentiles

    (Luke 21:20-24) There is a small piece of prophecy in this section of Luke that speaks of the time of the Gentiles. Basically it talks about the over-running of the temple in Jerusalem and the period of time it takes to restore them to their rightful owners. JohnHi! I’m John, the owner, author, and editor…