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Category: Luke 3

  • The Genealogy of Jesus

    (Luke 3:23-38) This last section of Luke 3 provides the genealogy of Jesus back through his generations to Adam who was the first man and son of God. It is interesting to compare this genealogy with that given in Matthew chapter 1 as they are different. The generations of Jesus are important as they identify…

  • Changing of the Guard

    (Luke 3:18-22 – Changing of the Guard) Here we see the changeover of the ministry. John the Baptist comes to the end of his course and Jesus commences his ministry. We see here that Herod the Tetrarch imprisons John on behalf of his wife Herodias. Herod had taken her as wife which he was not…

  • Who was John the Baptist?

    (Luke 3:15-17) There was a classic line from one of the early radio and television shows (I think it was The Lone Ranger…but I might be wrong). The show always had the line, “Who was that masked man?” Well the people at the time when John the Baptist appeared were asking themselves a similar question,…

  • Do The Right Thing

    (Luke 3:10-14) When the people came to John the Baptist they asked him what they should do to please the Lord. John didn’t get all “religious” and tell them they needed to go and light a candle, or throw money into the offering plate, spend more time studying the bible, or buy the latest piece…

  • You Brood of Vipers

    (Luke 3: 7-9) John the Baptist did not mince his words when dealing with the people, especially the scribes and Pharisees. Calling them a brood of vipers, snakes full of poison, was quite extreme. But it got the message across that they were in need of change and the help that could only come from…

  • John the Baptist’s Ministry

    (Luke 3:1-6) In the beginning of Luke 3 we see the commencement of John the Baptists ministry. John came to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus and to get the people ready for Jesus by turning them back to God. His primary ministry was to speak about the need for repentance and he came…