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Category: Luke 23

  • The Burial of Jesus

    (Luke 23:50-56) When they took Jesus down after he had died, he had to be buried. And in his burial we see two lessons or two things that we can learn from. One of these was to do with the burial itself, and the other to do with who was involved in the burial. In…

  • Jesus Dies: Earth’s Darkest Hour

    (Luke 23:44-49) The hour had come for the Lord to depart from this earth. All had been accomplished that he needed to do while he was here and it was now time for the next stage of the work to be done. He had trained his disciples to the point that they needed to be…

  • Jesus Nailed to the Stake

    (Luke 23:32-43) Here we see that the Lord has been taken away to Golgotha to web nailed to the stake along with two criminals. But even while Thais is occurring the Lord provides lessons for those who were there and for us also. Even the criminals give us a lesson that we can learn from.…

  • Jesus Led Away to Die

    (Luke 23:26-31) As I was studying this section of scripture, I became fascinated by one verse, which I had never taken much notice of before. This section talks about Jesus being led away to die and provides the detail of how Simon of Cyrene is compelled to assist carry the beam for Jesus and Jesus…

  • Jesus, Barabbas and the Rule of the Mob

    (Luke 23:13-25) In one of the worst travesties of so-called justice in history we see here the exchange of the life of the Lord and Saviour of the world for a sinner accused of insurrection, murder and mayhem. And the decision was not based upon truth or justice, but jealousy, envy and the sway of…

  • Jesus Before Herod

    (Luke 23:6-12) After bringing Jesus before Pilate, who could find no reason to condemn him, the Lord was sent by Pilate to Herod to be examined. Herod’s examination of the Lord is both harsh and interesting, for there are some things we can learn about Herod’s reaction to Jesus, especially when he did not get…

  • Jesus is Brought Before Pilate

    (Luke 23:1-5) The trial of Jesus before Pilate was a farce. It shows how badly an event can go when the rulers give sway to the desires of liars rather than listening to the truth of a matter. And there is no doubt that Pilate saw the truth of this matter as it is clear…