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Category: John 3

  • The Word of God

    (John 3:31-36) Jesus spoke the words of God and He is the Word of God. What he spoke and taught in His gospel were not the words of man but of God. He did not speak about the things of this earth, but the things of the kingdom of heaven for His words are the…

  • John the Baptist, the Friend of God

    (John 3:22-30) I have written about John the Baptist and his ministry quite a few times in this blog, and rather than repeat old ground I would refer you to the links at the bottom of this page to read those previous comments. However in this section of scripture there are a couple of points…

  • Sons of Light, Sons of Darkness

    (John 3:19-21) Light and darkness. Could there be any greater or more compelling a contrast between two things? Opposites and in opposition, and neither can exist in the presence of the other. This is exactly the position we see between those who come to the Lord and those who choose not to, as described in…

  • Jesus Came to Save, Not to Condemn

    (John 3:17-18) Quite often you hear people talk about how hard it is to be a Christian. They talk about all the rules and regulations and laws and how if you make a mistake you’ll be condemned to hellfire and brimstone. Unbelievers in particular talk about God as if he were ready to damn every…

  • For God So Loved The World

    (John 3:16) How many people have quoted this scripture? It is probably the most recognized scripture in the bible and has been immortalized in poetry, song and verse by many writers and musicians. And with good reason for it encapsulates in a few words the awesome purpose of God for man and the Creation. These…

  • The Son of Man Will be Lifted Up

    (John 3:9-15) While speaking to Nicodemus, the Lord provides him with an insight into why He had come. He shows this by using a parallel from the old testament to show how the faith revealed in Christianity would work. In this section there are several valuable lessons to be learned which will benefit us today.…

  • You Must be Born Again

    (John 3:1-8) One of the most common sayings among Christians today is that you must be born again. And yet I often wonder how many times people using this expression truly understand what it means. The implications of these few words are mind boggling, as Nicodemus discovered when Jesus explained it to him in this…